Never Fear King Boo X Princess Reader

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Disclaimer: I don't own anything except the story idea!!

Author's Note: This request is for SierraHeart350 who wanted a King Boo X Princess Reader Romance one shot story!! This takes place in a alternate universe!! As usual this one shot might be short due to lack of ideas and possible writer's block!! Thank you and Enjoy!! Italics: Thoughts Bold: Information/Authoress

~Your Name Point of View~

Here I am looking out the window staring at the full moon as well as the countless stars in the sky. I'm the princess of (Kingdom Name) and like many rulers of a kingdom I've been very busy caring for my citizens. When night falls I would often wonder what other worlds and kingdoms are out there. Maybe a kingdom full of delicious foods? Or a vast wooden forest covered in flowers? Oh!! A huge city with towering skyscrapers?!? I thought with excitement. But then I frown as worry and fear fill my heart knowing that as there is also many dangers out there. I checked the clock to see that it's very late so I went to bed getting much needed rest for tomorrow. (Luncheon Kingdom, Wooded Kingdom, and Metro Kingdom from Super Mario Odyssey).

~Third Person Point of View~The Next Day

Princess (Your Name) was sitting on her throne while listening to her Adviser telling her the schedule  for today. Thinking it'll be just another boring normal day she began to get bored "Princess (Your Name)!!" A Guard entered. "Yes?" (Your Name) questioned. "Sorry to bother you Princess but someone wants to meet you." He spoke. "Who?" She wondered as a bunch of ghosts arrived escorting a much larger one, wearing a crown topped with a large ruby. "Presenting King Boo hailing from Boo Woods!!" A Boo exclaimed. The Boo King bowed before Princess (Your Name) "Hello Princess (Your Name) ruler of (Kingdom Name)." He greeted.

~King Boo Point of View~

"Greetings King Boo." Princess (Your Name) greeted back and curtsied. "What may I ask brings you here?" She questioned. " I was hoping that we can forge a alliance together, so that our citizens and kingdoms can prosper." I proposed. I can see worry and fear in (Your Name)'s eyes "Rest assured we mean no harm for you and your people." I spoke hoping to calm her down. "I-I guess we can." She stated as we both signed the papers unifying our Alliance. There was a big party that night everyone was having fun and enjoying the festivities, but my attention was focused on Princess (Your Name). "Princess (Your Name) are you okay?" I questioned the quiet Princess. 

~Third Person Point of View~

"I'm fine King Boo, can I ask you a question?" Princess (Your Name) spoke. "Yes you may." King Boo kindly replied. "Have you been to other kingdoms? Much less traveled around the world?" She asked. "Indeed I have Princess." King Boo stated. "The world is full of many places and people, yes there's also dangers and wars but there's many adventures out there." He responded. "Maybe... one day I will travel the world and see it for myself." (Your Name) vowed. "Can I join you?" King Boo suggested. "Will you?" She said. "Yes after all you need a guide and protector." He noted and held (Your Name)'s hand making her smile. From this point on King Boo and Princess (Your Name) together can overcome the dangers side by side.

Author's Note: Done!! Sorry if it's junk!! Please Follow, Favorite, Vote, Comment, and Review!! Thank you and see you next time!!

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