Smile!! Mario X Punny/Annoying Reader X Bowser

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Disclaimer: I don't own anything except the story idea!!

Author's Note: This request is for DarknessJazzySparkle who wanted a Mario X Punny/Annoying Reader X Bowser Friendship one shot. As usual this one shot might be short due to lack of ideas and possible writer's block. I suck with puns and humor so no hate please!! ;-; Thank you and enjoy!! Puns: Underline Italics: Thoughts Bold: Information/Authoress

~Third Person Point of View~

It was time for Mushroom Kingdoms Strikers Tournament and the participants are both excited and nervous. As for the two long time enemies/rivals Mario and Bowser a lot of things have been on their minds mostly the game. Stress and worry linger between the two captains but not for long as a certain female appears to help them!!

~Your Name Point of View~

"HELLO!!!" I announced making my best friends jump in surprise. "(Your Name) what are you doing here?!?" Mario exclaimed. "I'm here to turns those frowns upside down!!" I replied as I try to make Bowser smile by messing with his face. "Awww why the long face Bow Wow?" I questioned. "It's nothing (Your Name)." Bowser muttered. "Don't be all bent out of shape straighten up!!" I said as I helped Bowser stand up straight. "It's kinda hard (Your Name) it's close to the finals and we're stressed out." Mario replied. "I know that Mar Mar let me lend you both a hand!!" I spoke as I held out a dummy hand. 

~Mario Point of View~

After the strange gesture (Your Name) started telling us puns and jokes like " Tibia honest I think Wario's farts make skunks smell like perfume." then there's " What do you call a spy with no intelligence? Spy-Durrs!!" and many others. I was laughing and smiling but then I noticed that Bowser wasn't laughing but staring across the field to see Wario taunting us making me mad.

~Bowser Point of View~

I so badly wanted to burn and fight Wario but if I did I and my team would get disqualified ruining my chance to win. I see Mario also angry as Wario made fun of us at his section of the field. "So the ol' bag of fatrs is making fun of my best friends? Well not anymore~." (Your Name) stated as she quickly and quietly sneaked away making Mario and I confused. At least 30 minutes later we see Wario screaming and trying to remove the duct tape which taped the headphones to his ears. We then see (Your Name) return with a huge grin on her face while giggling. 

~Third Person Point of View~

Bowser and Mario were staring at the devious female as she continued to laugh. "What did you do?" Mario said when he broke the silence. "Oh it's simple I made Wario listen to a very annoying song which lasts for ten hours non stop." (Your Name) replied. Bowser then started to laugh very hard along with Mario as tears started to form from the corners of their eyes. "Yay I did it I made you guys smile!!." She stated. Once Bowser and Mario stopped laughing they got up and hugged (Your Name) "Thank you for cheering us up." Mario said. "Yeah and thanks for making us laugh." Bowser replied.  "No problem say wanna hear more jokes?" (Your Name) asked to which Bowser and Mario agreed.

Author's Note: DONE!!! Took me four hours. Sorry if it's junk!! Please Follow, Favorite, Vote, Comment, and Review!! Thank you and see you next time!!

*Authoress holding up a sign "Two More Until I Make The 50th One Shot Milestone!!" *

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