You're Perfect to Me Mario X Insecure Reader

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Disclaimer: I don't own anything except the story idea!!

Author's Note: This is a one shot for all of the Mario fans!! In this one shot you're Mario's girlfriend. This is a alternate universe where all of the Mario characters are in high school. Warning there's a little bit of bullying and depression but not too serious. Please enjoy the story!! 

~Your Point of View~

I slowly walked to my next class feeling very low. Many questions and doubts filled my mind as I entered my Science class I saw Mario waiting for me. A small smile appeared on my face but I then remembered her warning Stay away from my Mario or else!! I then avoided Mario's line of sight and sat in the back of the class. As I grabbed my textbook from my bag I see 'Ms. Popular' Peach with her friends enter the class [Sorry Mario X Peach fans]. Peach sat close to Mario and started talking to him, I felt jealous and angry but I hid my feelings as I remembered what happened yesterday after school. 


While I was waiting for Mario to finish Football practice with Luigi and the rest of the guys Peach shoved me to the ground. "Well well well if it isn't (Your Name) what brings you here?" She questioned as her friends started snickering. I quietly get up "Well I'm waiting for my boyfriend Mario" I replied. "You're boyfriend?" One girl responded. "He probably pities you because you look ugly." Another spoke. The rest laughed but stopped when Peach raised her hand to silence them. Peach then moved closer to me "Stay away from my Mario or else!!" she threatened.  "He's not yours!!" I spoke but then was slapped across the face. "He'll be mine and you're going to be quiet and not tell him or I'm going to humiliate you!!" Peach warned me as she and her friends left the field. When Mario came from Football practice he wondered what happened to me and I told him I tripped and fell. He nodded and believed the lie as I walked home by myself. 

~Flashback End Mario's Point of View~ After School

I'm starting to worry about (Your Name) she's been avoiding me. Did I do something wrong? Why won't she talk to me? I thought but I was interrupted by my little bro Luigi. "Bro you gotta listen to what I discovered!!" He declared as he played a little tape recorder. My eyes widen as I heard Peach and her friends talk about (Your Name) and what happened yesterday. I clenched my hands as they became fists and my eyes are filled with fury. How dare they make fun of and bully my lovely (Your Name)!! I thought angrily as I told Luigi to show the evidence to the principle, while I confront Peach and her friends. 

~Your Point of View~ Later that night

It's a beautiful night tonight as I was sitting on the hill next to a oak tree watching the stars.  I started to remember the good times I spent with Mario how we met, our first date, the kiss, and how he wanted to be my boyfriend. Smiling at the happy memories but then Peach's warning and the hateful words started to block them. I then frowned and doubt started to appear again in my mind Why me? I thought.  As I was was feeling a bit depressed I felt a pair of arms wrapped around my waist. "Good evening (Your Name)" I heard Mario whisper in my ear. "Oh... Hello Mario" I said trying to hide my sadness.  "Please don't hide your feelings from me (Your Name) I know what happened to you with Peach." Mario said. I tried to run away but Mario caught me. "Why didn't you tell me? I was worried about you?" He spoke with concern. I started to confess "Why did you choose me? You could have any girl you wanted." Mario then smiled "I don't want any other girl I want you."  I then continued "But why? I'm not the prettiest, strongest, or smartest I'm just.. average and plain." I finished as I started to cry. 

~Mario's Point of View~

"You're wrong (Your Name)" I started to rant "You're beautiful, smart, and have a wonderful personality." She the looked at me "But what about Peach and the others? They'll humiliate me and hurt me." She spoke with worry. "Don't worry Luigi and I told the Principal about them and they're expelled, we won't be seeing them for a long time." I reassured. She then hugged me and cried in happiness. "I'm sorry for avoiding you!!" She exclaimed as I started to comfort her. "Just remember (Your Name) you're perfect to me." I vowed. 

~Author's Note~

I'm sorry if the story is short!! I have a bit of Writer's Block!! But I won't give up on my stories!! Please comment your request and follow the rules!! Favorite, Follow, vote, and comment please!! Thank you and see you next time!! 

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