Dedication Boss Brickle X Reader

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Disclaimer: I don't own anything except the story idea!!

Author's Note: This request is for TabbyPiggy I hope I got the name right. Who wanted a Boss Brickle X Reader Fluff one shot story!! As usual this one shot might be short due to lack of ideas and possible writer's block!! This takes place in a Alternate Universe!! Reader is gender neutral!!  Thank you and enjoy!! Italics: Thoughts Bold: Information/Authoress

~Brickle Point of View~

"Hey (Your Name) the fountain in Mushrise Park needs a tune up and I could use some help." I spoke as I grabbed my toolbox. It was a very busy week here as many workers throughout the island are getting ready for the summer seasons. For when summer comes around tourists and travelers from all over the world will come to Pi'illo Island for vacation. "Coming Boss just have to finish working on destroying the rocks!!" They replied as they used their hammer to break the rocks. "Good idea!! We can't have any innocents getting hurt from those hazards." I commented making them smile. "Thanks boss!!" (Your Name) thanked me. "You're welcome!!" I responded as I supervised the rest of the workers making sure they've completed their jobs. 

~Your Name Point of View~

Once I've cleared all of the rocks I as well as Boss Brickle made out way to Mushrise Parks famous Zeekeeper Fountain. I remembered how much time and effort Boss Brickle made to create this fountain, but he didn't do it alone for I helped him make this beauty. "Some of the parts are getting old and rusted, so I need your help to help me replace them." Brickle noted. "Sure no problem!!" I replied as I began turning off the fountain then started replacing the parts. From rusted pipes to replacing nuts, bolts, and screws progress is being made for the working duo. "Hey Brickle remember when we first tried making Grobot and you got your hand stuck in it's arms?" I reminisce. "Oh yeah... it took us hours to remove my hand without injuring my fingers." Brickle spoke with nostalgia. "At least you learned to never do that again." I noted. "How about when you use Grobot to wash your car but accidentally set his shower setting to jet setting? Man your car windows cracked and shattered easily." Brickle laughed as I became embarrassed. 

~Third Person Point of View~

Few hours later the Zeekeeper fountain was upgraded and ready to pump water. With a press of a button the fountain began running smoothly as water spewed and began watering the flowers. The flora in the park bloomed as many colorful flowers decorated the park, making the view vibrant and beautiful for everyone to enjoy. "Prince Dreambert will be delighted to see our hard work pay off Boss." (Your Name) complimented. "Yup now why do we and the rest of the workers have a party? We deserve to have fun and relax." He suggested to which I agreed. "Dibs on the desserts!!" I exclaimed as I raced to the employee mess hall while Brickle ran after me. (Mess hall is another word for Break room/Lunch Room)

Author's Note: Done!! Sorry if it's short and junk!! ;-; Please Follow, Favorite, Vote, Comment, and Review!! Thank you and see you next time!!

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