Love Behind a Screen Mr.L X Avatar Reader

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Disclaimer: I don't own anything except the story idea!!

Author's Note #1: In this story Mr.L is his own person and separate from Luigi due to Professor E Gadd. Mr.L works for Lord Blumiere aka Count Bleck at the organization [Long Story short they're now good guys]. This takes place five years  after the Chaos Heart incident and you're a avatar/cyber person living in the computer. There may be a 'Death' in this story and a bit of depression but don't worry there will be a happy ending.  Italics: Thoughts Bold: Information

~ Third Person Point of View~

We find a exhausted Mr.L returning to his room after a mission Nastasia assigned him. After a quick check up on Brobot and shower we see the Green Thunder turn on his computer waiting for it to load, for he was anxious to meet someone. When the computer opened up the main menu he see's a young woman humming her (Favorite Song) waiting by the bottom of the screen [ Your eyes are closed and didn't notice Mr.L].  "Good Evening (Your Name)." He politely greeted the A.I. She opened her (Eye Color) eyes and smiled "Good Evening Master." She replied. He chuckled "Just call me Mr.L you don't have to call me master." He reminded her. (Your Name) became embarrassed. "I-I'm sorry Ma- I mean Mr.L it's a habit that I'm trying to stop." She said with shyness. 

~Mr.L's Point of View~

"It's okay (your Name) you'll break that habit someday." I encouraged her. She then smiled "Thank You Mr.L now do you need anything?" She questioned me. "Not really" I said as I opened up a document to type a 1000 word essay. [In case you're wondering whenever one of the minions failed a mission or broke the rules Nastasia will punish them by writing/typing essays]. "Did you do something wrong?" she asked curiously as I was typing the essay. I sighed "Well while I was test driving Brobot it malfunctioned and destroyed a part of the castle." I answered in embarrassment. She then touched the arrow cursor and hugged it which made me wish I could hug her. "It's not your fault accidents happen Mr.L at least no one got hurt right?" she informed me as she smiled. I blushed "That is true" I replied. 

~Third Person Point of View~

While Mr.L was typing his essay he talked to (Your Name) about what happened during the day, during the mission and answering her questions. They enjoying each other's company and listened to each other. As Mr.L was almost done with his essay (Your Name) asked Mr.L a big question. 

~Mr.L's Point of View~

"Mr.L... Can I be your girlfriend?" She questioned. My eyes widen when she said 'Girlfriend'.  "G-Girlfriend?!?" I stuttered. She then smiled "Yes Mr.L I love you very much I want to see the world, experience different things, even help you with your missions as long as I'm by your side." I then started to think Well it would be nice to have a girlfriend, I mean Mario has Peach, Luigi has Daisy, even the Wario bros have girlfriends!! But then the realization hit me. She's a avatar which means no body, she'll outlive me, we won't have any children. I don't want to break her heart but I also love her. I thought with sorrow. "Mr.L are you okay?" (Your Name) said with worry. "Oh um yeah I'm fine" I spoke "Um Can I tell you my answer when I'm ready?" She then thought for a moment "Okay Mr.L take your time I can wait." I then felt a huge amount of guilt but smiled trying not to make her worry about me. "Thank you (Your Name)" I replied as I finished the essay and saved it. "Good Night Mr.L" she responded with a yawn "Good Night (Your Name)." I said as I shut down the computer and went to bed. 

~Your Point of View~ One Week Later

I started to pace as many thoughts and feelings swirled inside me. Where is he? Is he okay? Maybe I shouldn't have said that question. I guess he found someone else...I thought as I sighed in depression. As I was thinking of ways to apologize to Mr.L I sensed the security system has been breached. I quickly went to the main program and see a big army of viruses destroying the memory and data. I started to fight and protect as many programs, data and important documents. All of the viruses have been destroyed but it came with a price I was glitching in and out as I was badly damaged.I crawled my way back to the main screen with as much strength possible. I finally arrived as I started to blackout with one important person on my mind Mr.L. 

~Mr.L's Point of View~

It has been a week since I last talked to (Your Name). I have been avoiding her because I was thinking of different options to bring her to life. I asked E Gadd to help me build a robotic body for (Your Name), It looked exactly like her avatar body with (Hair Length) (Hair Color) Hair, (Eye Color) eyes, wearing (Favorite Outfit) and (Favorite Brand/Kind) Shoes. I grabbed a flashdrive to download her memory as I started up the computer but before I could do it I was greeted by a glitching (Your Name) "gOoD-aFtErNoOn_mR,l" I was shocked (Your Name) the one I loved with all my heart was dying. "(Y-Your Name) Please hang on I'll save you!!" I shouted as I tried to use a program to fix her but find out that some of the programs aren't working. After trying many attempts to save her she started to glitch out at a rapid pace. I watched her with tears in my eyes I used the arrow cursor and dragged it to her so she can reach it. (Your Name) lifted her glitching arm and touched the cursor with all of her strength she spoke her last words "I-lOvE_ yOu... Mr.l" She spoke softly as she disappeared never to be seen again. 

~Third Person Point of View~ 

Mr.L screamed as he used his thunderhand [Superstar Saga] to try and bring her back. "NO NO NO!!!!" He keeps doing this for a couple of hours until he can't create lightning and his hands start to ache. By this time Lord Blumiere, Timpani, Nastasia, O'Chunks, Mimi and Dimentio arrived to calm down Mr.L [Tippi and Count Bleck are back to normal together and Dimentio is now a good guy long story]. When Mr.L was calm enough he told everyone about (Your Name), what happened to the computer, how he fell in love with her, and her death as he started to cry again. The Count Bleck crew also cried due to how (Your Name) helped them out from helping Nastasia organizing her schedule, Mimi with fashion tips, O'Chunks learn new fighting techniques, even giving advice to Bumiere and Timpani's relationship. [She even helped Dimentio coming up with new similies (a type of poetry style)].  They then went to bed at 10:00 pm but before Count Bleck went to sleep he made a wish to the Star Spirits to bring back (Your Name) alive as a human with all of her memories. What he didn't know was that the Star Spirits listened to his pleas as they granted the wish and hoped that Mr.L will have a wonderful life with (Your Name).

~Mr.L's Point of View~

As I was having a nightmare I felt something touch me lightly "Mr.L wake up please." I heard a familiar voice spoke. I then slowly opened my eyes, turn on the lights to be greeted by a pair of (Eye Color) eyes staring at me. "No this can't be true... you died." I denied as I started to cry thinking my mind is playing tricks on me. But then out of nowhere the 'Ghost' of (Your Name) hugged me. I was shocked I can hear a heartbeat, her heart is beating!! She's a human!?! "B-But how?" I stuttered in shock. "I don't know Mr.L all I remember was seeing your face before I died and somehow I woke up near the computer a human." She answered. I then returned the hug crying happily "My answer is yes (Your Name) I want you to be my girlfriend." We both hugged and gave each other our first kiss. 

~Three Months Later~

(Your Name) became a member of the organization as the assistant and computer expert. She even has the power to control any technology and manipulate electricity like me. Count Bleck, Timpani and the others like her and enjoy her company as the new member of the family. As for me I enjoy and love her with all my heart from helping me fix Brobot, taking care of me when I was sick or injured, to even listening to my problems. I thanked the Star Spirits and Count Bleck for making my greatest wish come true as I hold her hand while watching the sunset under a big tree. With (Your Name) by my side until my game ends I will love her forever. 

Author's Note: 

I'm done with this one shot!! It took me almost four hours to finish it. Please follow, favorite, vote and review!! If you want to request just follow the rules and comment your request!! Read My complicated Friend a Luigi/Mr.L X Reader story if you like this one. Thank You and see you next time my readers!!

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