Mark imagine + short picture imagines (#XCIIIMARKDAY)

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Mark sighed as he sat back against the mirror in the practice room. He looked at his phone and smiled at your birthday text for the fourth time today. It had been a long time since he last saw you and he missed you a lot.
Jinyoung sat next to Mark and nudged him. "What's wrong?"
"Oh, nothing," said Mark, "just... missing [y/n]. I wish I could spend my birthday with her."
Jinyoung nodded. "Yeah, well, you gotta spend your birthday with us instead," he said jokingly as he nudged Mark again.
Mark laughed and nudged him back.
"Anyway, don't forget we have dinner plans at the restaurant down the street. Don't be late."
Mark sighed. "Yeah, yeah... I'll be there."

Mark stepped into the restaurant and looked around. He didn't see any of his members there at all. He rolled his eyes. "So much for me being late."
He told the waiter the reservation and was led to the back of the restaurant. He sat down and thanked the waiter. As he was scanning the menu, a pair of hands covered his eyes.
"Haha, very funny, Bambam."
"Bambam? I'm offended you think my hands feel like Bambam's," you said.
Mark quickly looked behind, a huge smile on his face a she saw you. "Oh my God!! You're here!!" He got up from his chair and hugged you tightly.
You giggled softly as he twirled you. "Yeah. Jinyoung paid for my flight over."
"He did?"
You nodded. "Mm. Said he wanted to give you a better present than anyone else."
Mark laughed. "Oh I see... he's not wrong though. You are the best present~"

 You are the best present~"

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