Mark imagine

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You sat in your living room with an ice pack on your ankle. You were outside playing with Coco and accidentally tripped over a rock. You sighed heavily staring at the ice pack on your ankle and shook your head gently.
You gently pet Coco who was laying in your lap and glanced to the dog, "I'm so clumsy, aren't i?"
Coco only looked up to you when you spoke and barked softly.
At that moment, Mark came walking in.
"How's your ankle feeling?" He says as he takes a seat next to you.
"It's fine. It's not like I broke it or anything."
"You have to be more careful next time. You had me worried."
You chuckled, "You were worried about me? Why?"
"Well, I didn't want you to have broken your ankle..." Mark replied awkwardly.
You laughed a bit and nodded a bit, "Yeah, that's totally the reason why."
Mark opened his mouth to say something when Jackson, Bambam and Youngjae all ran into the living room, all asking if you were okay. You laughed as they all spoke at the same time and nodded, replying to their questions.
"You had us worried, [y/n]. We thought it was going to be bad," Bambam said, sitting next to you.
"It's fine. It's just a sprain," you said, letting Coco jump off your lap and scamper over to Youngjae.
Mark sat quietly as you talked to the other three, sighing softly to himself.
'Why is it every time I want to ask her out, I'm always interrupted...' he thought to himself, 'these guys have the worst timing ever..."
"Don't you need anything," Jackson asks, "if you do, just tell us and we'll get it for you."
"Mm..." You thought for a second, "I could use some cake right about now... from that cafe that we always go to..."
"Okay! We will go and get it for you. We'll take Coco with us so you two don't have to worry," Youngjae said and the three of them walked out of the front door.
You huffed, letting out a breath, "Finally..."
Mark still sat quietly as he started to try to buck up the courage to ask you when you interrupted his thoughts.
"Hey," you said, gaining his attention.
"Do you want to go out with me?" You asked him and he froze in his seat.
He was at a loss for words and couldn't think of anything to say.
You chuckled at how shocked he looked and smiled, "You don't have to give me an answer right away. I can wait."
He blinked a couple times before coming to and shook his head to help, "Um... uh... did... did I hear you right?"
"Depends. What'd you hear?"
"Do you want to go out with me?" He repeated.
You smiled and nodded, "Yes. I'll gladly go out with you. Now was that so hard to say?"
He blinked confused and chuckled softly finally realizing what just happened, "Clever. Very clever, [y/n]."
You grinned, leaning your head against his shoulder, "Of course~ I can't believe you fell for it though~"
Mark laughed, "Shut up.."

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