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Ayo, why this keep getting reads and comments? 😂😂

Stop this is so cringe. Not that I don't appreciate it but, I don't think you guys understand. I started making these imagines when GOT7 debuted in 2014 (literally days after their debut. I somehow managed to be able to get the got7imagines @ name on Instagram before anyone else. No dot, no underscore, nothing. Idk how that happened) and then stopped making these imagines after Jinyoung's birthday in 2018 because of writers block and pressure I put on myself to keep up with the account. I could barely keep up with making imagines even though I had ideas and even made a couple dating door games to see if that would help motivate me to keep going but, I couldn't.

I was still in high school in 2014 so looking back at this is so cringe lol
I don't even write GOT7 fanfic anymore. Well, I have one in the works but I'm struggling with it because I have no motivation...
I can barely even stand rereading some of these imagines and whenever I see someone comment on this, I get so shocked because I just can't believe it's still getting clicks and comments.

Anyway, GOT7 or never. Go stream Jackson's new song, Blue and the Magic Man album

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