Jackson imagine

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You sat on the couch, your legs across Mark's lap as you two talked and laughed with each other. You two have been best friends for years now so you two were extremely close. You two know secrets about each other no one knows. Not even your boyfriend, Jackson, knows. Everyone knows just how close you and Mark are except for Jackson.

He always gets jealous whenever he hears you say Mark's name, whenever you hang out with him, whenever you hug him, text him and everything else you could imagine. Sometimes it just gets a little too much and Jackson ignores you so you have to be all cute to get his attention again.

This time, you and Mark were talking about a trip to LA you two have been planning for ages. You haven't seen Mark's parents in a while and you wanted to visit them. The worst part is, you haven't told Jackson about this yet.

"Wait- you didn't tell him yet?" Mark asked.

You shook your head, "No.. Not yet."

"Aye....you need to tell him. He's going to kill me if I go anywhere with you. I'm already positive that if he saw how we're sitting right now, he'd murder me..." Mark said.

"I will. I will... When he gets home, I'll tell him.."

"Why didn't you tell him earlier?"

"Because putting 'me and Mark' in the same sentence will make him flip the hell out... At least now I can tell him that he's coming with us..."

Mark scoffed lightly, "Oh yeah, what're you going to tell him? 'Hey, babe. We're going on a trip to LA and Mark's coming with us!' Oh yeah, he'll totally love to hear that."

You laughed softly and hit Mark's arm, "Hey, I'm being serious. I think he'll be excited. It'll be a good experience for him."

"A good experience for him or you just want to have some alone time with him?" Mark teased, nudging you a little as he wiggled his eyebrows.

You laughed a little and rolled your eyes to Mark's statement, "Shut up."

Just then, Jackson came into the room with lunch. You quickly sat up properly and smiled to your boyfriend as he placed the food down and looked to you.

Jackson frowned a bit and looked between both you and Mark, "What? Why are you two looking at me like that?"

You smiled innocently to him, "Nothing, babe~"

Mark laughed softly and stood from the couch and walked by Jackson, "Yeah~ nothing, babe."

Mark winked playfully to your boyfriend and pat Jackson's butt once before going off to the kitchen.

Jackson frowned and immediately turned to you, "What did you two do while I was gone?"

"Nothing! We did nothing. I promise~"

"Maybe I shouldn't trust you two alone together anymore..." he said giving you a look.

You pouted a little and pulled Jackson down onto the couch next to you, hugging his arm, "No~ nothing happened~"

"Okay....then....what was with that look he gave me?"

"Okay~ so~ you know how you said that we needed to go on a vacation and have some alone time?" you said, playing with his fingers a bit.

"Yeah? What of it?"

"Well~ Mark's parents invited me to go and visit them for the summer and they told me I could bring you too... And since me and Mark have been planning a trip back to LA for a while now, we figured we would go then... I booked us a hotel. And you know, we could have our alone time..." you replied.

You could see Jackson's eyes light up a bit when you said that as a slight smirk grew on his face. "Our alone time hm? And...what're we going to do on the... alone time?" he said, the smirk now showing clearly.

"Oh you know~ anything you want," you said, patting his chest softly, "how does that sound?" "Sounds like a deal," he said as he leaned in to kiss you.

"I knew you would like it," you whispered before his lips came into contact with yours.

"Hey, hey," you two heard Mark's voice say just as you two were separated away from each other, "people sit there to watch TV you know. Don't do this here."

You rolled your eyes and pouted a bit as Jackson glared and started to argue with Mark. You sat there watching the two of them argue with each other and shook your head, giggling softly.

"Ah~ those two..."  

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