Mark imagine

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Mark stared at the articles of clothes in your hands, shaking his head, "No."
"Oh come on. You have to. It's a part of the performance~" You mused at him, pushing them into his hands, "put it on."
He sneered toward you, "Is this why you wanted to be our stylist?"
You grinned innocently, "I have no idea what you mean~"
You handed the other members their outfits and looked to Bambam and Jackson who were playing around as they went to change into the outfit.
"Come on, oppa~ put it on~ Jackson oppa is going to put it on."
Mark huffed heavily, "Fine. I'll put it on if it'll make you happy."
You grinned, "It'll make me very happy~"
Mark rolled his eyes, "Ah... my girlfriend is trying to torture me..."
He turned and walked off to change. You giggled as you watched him walk away.
"I can't wait to see it on him..." You said to yourself and helped to fix Youngjae's wig when he came back from changing.
Bambam and Jackson both walked back together and the two were laughing hysterically as they made jokes to each other. You chuckled and quickly fixed their wigs as well.
"You guys look so sexy," you laughed.
The two both posed girly-like and jokingly flipped their wigs.
"Why thank you," Bambam said.
"We know we do," Jackson added.
You laughed, shaking your heads, "You two are so stupid. I love it."
You watched the two as they walked past you and glanced over to see Mark slowly and awkwardly walking over to you. You couldn't help but let out a laugh and covered your mouth.
"Oh my god, Mark. You look amazing," you said.
He made a face to you and sighed heavily, "I feel weird."
You smiled and helped straighten his wig, "You look great."
"You think?" He says, looking to you.
You nod, grinning, "Of course~"
"Hey, [y/n]," Jackson called to you.
You glanced to him, "Yeah?"
"Does this skirt make my butt look big?" He asked jokingly, wiggling his butt a little.
Everyone who heard burst out into laughter, including Mark.

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