Youngjae imagine

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(just to let you guys know, this is a pretty old imagine)

"♪Hey I already know everything

So why are you hiding

It's written all over your face that you like me♪" Youngjae sang softly to himself, sitting in the practice room with the others.

Not too long later, you came running in.

"Guuuuyyssss~~~ I'm here~~" you shouted, gaining all of their attention. "[Y/N]~!" Bambam and Yugyeom yelled excitedly, running over to you.

You grinned wide as they both hugged you tightly.

"Miss me?" you asked with a wide smile to the two.

They both released you from the hug and nodded frantically, "Yes~~"

You chuckled and reached up, ruffling both of their hair, "Aigoo, you two are so precious."

They both grinned at you and were about to tell you all about their day like usual but Jackson pushed them both to the side and pulled you away, putting his arm around your shoulders.

"Hey, love. How are ya?" he says, smirking slightly and winking at you.

You grimaced at him and pushed his arm off of you, "Sorry. You're not my type."

You watched as his face dropped and walked away, taking a seat next to Youngjae. "Hey, Jaejae~" you greeted him with a smile.

Youngjae smiled slightly at the nickname and hugged you, "Hey~"

You hugged him back, leaning your head on his shoulder. You two sat there watching as the others played and argued with each other, silently judging them.

"How do you deal with all of this like every day," you asked, raising your head from Youngjae's shoulder, glancing at him.

"Ah... I just kinda... stay on the side away from all of that," he replied.


You two sat on the side, laughing and talking with each other. You two then decided to leave the practice room leaving the others doing whatever they were doing.

The both of you walked along the sidewalk, talking about random nonsense. You two went and had lunch together and walked back to the practice room realizing that the others didn't even notice you two had left.

Youngjae took a seat back where he was and you walked over to the others. He sat there quietly watching you as you argued with the others. He watched as you huffed in frustration and chuckled softly when you looked over to him. You laughed softly and looked back to the others.

Youngjae couldn't help but smile like an idiot and he looked down into his lap, singing his part of the song again. "♪Hey I already know everything

So why are you hiding

It's written all over your face that you like me♪"  

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