Yugyeom imagine

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"Gyeomie...where are we going?" you asked as he held your hand tightly.
You two were in the back seat of the car as the manager drove.
Yugyeom smiled to you, "Don't worry about it, jagiyah~" You frowned and pouted, "Can't you tell me?" He shook his head and grinned widely, "Then it wouldn't be a surprise~"
You sighed softly, "Hm...fine, fine.."
He grinned and looked ahead, "Ah!"
He quickly out his hand over your eyes. "Yah, what...?" you started before being interrupted by the feeling of Yugyeom pecking your lips.
You blushed at the feeling and bit your bottom lip hearing Yugyeom chuckle at your reaction. "Keep your eyes closed, ne~?"
You nodded slightly and closed your eyes, feeling his hand move from your eyes.
"Now, come on, get out of the car carefully," he said, holding your hand, helping you out of the car. "Where are we?" you asked, keeping your eyes closed.
He grinned happily and pulled you with him as he walked. "Are your eyes still closed?" he said as he stopped in a spot.
You nodded, "Yeah...can I open them now?"
Yugyeom laughed, "Yes you can~"
You opened your eyes and squealed softly, noticing where you two were, "Really?!"
Yugyeom nodded, "I know how much you wanted to come to Lotte World so I convinced my manager to let me bring you here." You grinned and threw your arms around him, "Oh my gosh~ thank you~~" He hugged you back gently, "What ride should we get on first?" Both you and Yugyeom rode almost all of the rides and had so much fun together. You both laughed and screamed happily together.
Yugyeom sighed softly as you two got off of the last ride you two were on and he looked to you, "Jagiyah, we have to go soon."
You pouted sadly and hugged his arm, "Already?" He smiled and pointed over to the ferris wheel, "Let's ride the one last, okay?" "Okay~" you said and practically dragged him over.
He laughed as he followed you and smiled at your excitement.
You held his arm tightly as you two waited in the line. "So, uh, [y/n]..." Yugyeom started, "did you...have fun?"

  You looked up to him and flashes a happy smile, "I had a lot of fun. Thank you for bringing me here. I know your schedule is full all the time..." He smiled back to you, "Anything to keep you happy, jagiyah~ I'm glad you had fun today~ I was hoping you would." "Of course I would have fun. As long as I do it with you, I'll always have fun." Yugyeom blushed at your words and coughed off the embarrassment he had. "Oh look~ it's our turn~" you said pulling him onto the ride.
You two sat across from each other and you glanced out as the ride went up.
"Wahh~~ everyone is so small~" Yugyeom smiled as he watched your excitement and took a picture of you without you knowing. "She's so cute..." he muttered to himself and leaned over, "hey~ jagi~"
You look to him only for Yugyeom to quickly touch your cheek and kiss you softly.
You blushed when he pulled back and he gave you a big, cheeky grin.
"Saranghae~" he said, gently rubbing his thumb over the pink hue on your cheeks.  

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