JB imagine

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You frowned, hanging up the phone, "Aish..."
Your friend cancelled on you again. That's the third time this week. All you wanted to do was hang out with them but they were either busy with work, studying for exams, or grounded.
You rolled your eyes, angrily stuffing your phone into your pocket. You leaned against the wall, shaking your head.
"You've got to be kidding me..." You mumbled.
A male standing near you, glanced over to you, "You alright?"
You shook your head, pinching the bridge of your nose, "No... my friend cancelled on me, and now I have no idea what to do with the extra movie ticket..."
You glanced over to the person speaking to you quickly noticing them as JB.
He shrugged, "You could give it to me...we can watch the movie together. I can pay you back for it."
You shook your head, "No... it's okay... you don't have to..."
JB shrugged, "I don't have anything better to do. I just came out to get some fresh air and you seem to be upset you can't watch the movie with your friend.. which is a shame because if I had a friend as pretty as you are, I would drop everything and come immediately."
You chuckled, feeling your cheeks heat up at his words, "Yah- are you flirting?"
"Depends. Is it working?" He joked a smile on his lips.
You laughed and nodded, "Yeah, a little bit."
"I'll buy the popcorn and drinks then since you paid for the tickets," he said with a smile.
You nodded, "Okay."

After the movie, you walked out of the theater with JB, laughing.
"That's was a pretty good movie," JB said, "It was even better with you there."
You chuckled and hit his arm softly, "Stop it. You're making me blush."
He smiled, "But it's the truth."
You chuckled, "I had fun. Thank for watching the movie with me."
"No problem," he said, smiling, "If you would like, I can give you my number and you can call me whenever your friend cancels on you."
You smiled and handed him your phone. He put his number in your phone and opened the camera to take a picture with you.
"Your new lockscreen," he joked making you laugh. "Say cheese~"
You smiled and he snapped the photo.

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