JB imagine + short picture imagines (#BestLeaderJBDay)

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You pouted, staring out of the window of your apartment, "Oppa... it's still raining..."
Jaebum chuckled softly and walked up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist, "It's okay."
"But I had a whole date planned... I can't believe it started raining," you said, leaning back against him.
He smiles softly and gave you a soft peck on the cheek, "It's fine. We can just stay in and cuddle. Watch a drama or something."
You sighed softly and nodded, "Yeah, I guess so."
Jaebum smiled and grabbed onto your hand, taking you over to the couch. He sat down and you took the seat next to him, stretching your legs over his lap as you leaned back against the arm rest. He smiled and powered on the TV.
"Ooh~ leave it on this station~" You said with a smile. "Hwarang will be on soon~"
Jaebum let out a soft chuckle and nodded, placing the remote down. You grinned wide and cuddled into his side.
He wrapped an arm around you, holding you close, "Why do you like this drama anyway?"
You giggled softly, "Hyungshik oppa looks cute~"
You felt Jaebum twitch a bit at your words.
"Is that so?" was all he said, a hint of annoyance in his voice.
You laughed a bit and peeked up at him, "Are you jealous?"
"No. Of course not," he said in a slightly angered tone.
You chuckled and gently poked his cheek, "You are~~"
You giggled when you notice JB roll his eyes and mumble, "Whatever..."
You smiled and pecked his cheek gently, "Don't worry, oppa~ I love you more~"
Jaebum pouted playfully, "You better."
You chuckled, hitting his chest softly, "Of course I do, dummy."
He grinned widely, "Good~"
He pulled you into his lap, cupping your cheek in one hand and kisses you softly. You smiled against his lips at first before kissing back.

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