Mark imagine

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You hummed as you moved about the kitchen, making breakfast. It was a cold day so you had pulled on one of your boyfriend's sweatshirts. It looked like an oversized dress on you.
You plated the eggs carefully, trying not to break the yolks and took the finished plates over to the table just in time too. Mark stepped out of the room and stared at you.
"Is that my sweatshirt?" He asked.
You grinned, holding up his plate. "I made breakfast."
He walked over to you, taking the plate. "I thought you said you weren't going to use my sweatshirts anymore?"
You hummed and quickly pecked his cheek. "Eat~"
You sat down in your chair and started to eat. Mark kept his eyes on you as he sat down.
"You're going to give that back right? That's my favorite one..."
You giggled. "Maybe~"
"Alright..." he said quietly and began to eat.
You grinned at him from across the table and ate quietly.
When the both of you finished breakfast, he helped you with the dishes. You playfully put soap bubbles on his cheek and giggled.
Mark chuckled and nudged you gently.
"So, what are we going to do today?" You asked as you rinsed the soap bubbles out of the sink.
"Well, first we're starting with you returning my sweatshirt," Mark said and tugged you gently to his body by the bottom hem of the shirt.
You chuckled, wrapping your arms around his neck. "What if I don't want to?"
"No? Then I'll have to punish you," he said, winking before leaning over to playfully bite you.
You laughed, moving away before he could bite you. "You'll have to catch me first~"
You turned and skipped away. He chuckled and followed after you.
Mark caught you in the room and pushed you down on the bed. You grinned up at him as he climbed over you.
You blinked up at him innocently. "Please be gentle~"
He snickered. "That's not how punishments work, baby girl~"
You smiled, wrapping your arms tightly around his neck. "I know~"
Mark hummed softly and leaned over, capturing your lips in a deep kiss.

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