Mark imagine

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You sat in your seat on the airplane and glanced up to Mark who sat next to you.
"Can't you tell me why we're going to Japan?" you asked him with a pout.
Mark chuckled softly and held your hand, "You'll see."
"Yah, tell me. I feel so in the dark..."

He looked at you and smiled, pecking your pout, "You'll see. Just wait."
"Fine," you said, huffing softly.
Mark smiled and held your hand tightly as the plane went off.
When you two finally got off the plane, you grabbed your thing and went to the hotel.

"Was...was this hotel expensive?" you said, glancing to Mark.

"Mm... not really," he said and pulled you inside.
" sure?"
"Yeah of course."
He pulled you in and led you to your hotel room.

"Hm~ wow~" you said and skipped around the room happily.
You went to the sliding door and opened the curtains and marveled at the view. "Wow~~"

Mark chuckled as he watched you, sitting on the bed.
You turned to him and grinned happily, "So~ now, can you tell me why we're here?"

"Mm...nope. Not yet," Mark said.
You pouted and looked to him, "Wae?"

"Because it's supposed to be a surprise," Mark said, standing up and wrapping his arms around your waist, "just wait until tonight, okay?"
You sighed softly and nodded, "Okay. I will."
"Good, now, why don't we go check out the town, hm?" he says, smiling.
You nodded and grinned, "Sure. Sounds great~"

You two went around town, shopping around a bit and a bit of sightseeing.
"Oooh~ before we go back to the hotel, can we go see the Tokyo Tower? Please~ please~" you said, tugging Mark's arm gently.
He chuckled and nodded, "Yeah, of course~"
You grinned, "Yay~"
You both hopped into the car and Mark drove off. You grinned watching as the buildings passed by. Mark parked the car and you hopped out happily.

"Come on~" you smiled, taking Mark's hand and dragging him off.
He chuckled and followed you as you dragged him closer to the tower.
You smiled widely as you looked up at the tower, "Waahh~ it's sooo big~"
He smiled and nodded, "Mm, it is."
You smiled and pulled out your phone, starting to take pictures. You were too busy taking pictures that you didn't seem to notice that Mark had gotten down on one knee.
He chuckled a bit and pat your arm to get your attention, "Hey..."
You blinked down to him, "Um... Mark... what're you...?"
He smiled and pulled out a small box from his pocket, "Marry me, [y/n]."

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