Jinyoung imagine

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(This is part 2 to the previous Jinyoung imagine c; hope you guys like)

The past week of living with Jinyoung, you did your best to avoid him as much as you could. After he overheard your conversation with your friend, you found it really hard to face him.
You sighed heavily, walking back to the apartment after your classes. Your last class was cancelled so you were finished early.
"Please don't be home..." You mumbled, walking into the apartment building.
You went up to the apartment and stood by the door, trying to listen if you could hear anything coming from inside. Hearing nothing, you walked in.
You removed your shoes and placed your bag on the counter, going to the fridge for a drink. You grabbed a water bottle, opening it as you turned around.
Your eyes widened seeing Jinyoung walking out of the bathroom looking like he was fresh out of the shower. His hair was wet, and he wasn't wearing anything except a towel around his waist.
The water bottle slipped out of your hands and you quickly turned back around, feeling your cheeks burning.
"Ah... [y/n]... you're home early," Jinyoung said, ruffling his hair with his hand to dry it.
"Uh... uh... y-yeah... my... Psychology class was cancelled..." You responded not wanting to turn back around.
Jinyoung nodded, "Alright, then. Let's do something together today."
"L-Like what?" You asked still refusing to turn back around.
"We could go to the cafe nearby," Jinyoung said. "I was supposed to meet my friends there and they're dying to meet you."
"A-Ah... o-okay... sure."
"Great. I'll go get ready then," he says, walking over to his room.
You turned around and huffed out a breath, "Oh my god..."
You picked up the water bottle you dropped and quickly wiped up the water that spilled. You grabbed your bag and rushed over to your room, shutting the door behind you. You leaned against it and put your hand to your chest.
"Ah... why..." You whined and threw your bag onto your bed.
After a few minutes, there was a knock on your room door.
"[Y/n]? Are you ready?" Jinyoung's voice said.
You sighed softly and grabbed your purse before opening the door and nods to him, "Let's go..."
You and Jinyoung walked to the cafe nearby and sat and talked for about half an hour before Jinyoung's friends came in.
"Jinyoung hyung~" one of their voices sounded.
He looked up and smiled, "Hey, Youngjae. Where's Yugyeom? He didn't come with you guys?"
Youngjae shook his head, "No. He's hanging out with his friend at the bowling alley."
Youngjae and the four other male's quickly shifted their gazes at you making you smile awkwardly.
"This is your new roommate?" Youngjae asked.
Jinyoung nodded, "Yeah. This is [y/n]."
You bowed your head when one of them immediately threw his arm around you.
"Well, now I see why you keep talking about her," he said. "She's cute."
You looked to Jinyoung when he hit the other male's shoulder.
"Shh... shut up, Jackson..."
Jackson rolled his eyes, "Yah, yah. Don't hit me. It's the truth." He looked over to you, shielding himself from Jinyoung. "He talks about you all the time. I think he likes you."
"Yah!" Jinyoung shouted, pulling Jackson over to the side.
You blinked looking at the other's. "Are they always like this?"
Youngjae sighed, nodding, "Yeah... but he really does talk about you a lot."
You blinked and looked back at Jinyoung and Jackson who were arguing. "Really...?"
Youngjae nods, "Mm. Especially to Jackson hyung. Just ask Mark hyung..."
Mark nodded, "He always boasts about how cute you are. Probably wants to make Jackson jealous. Jackson's stuck with me as a roommate."
You chuckled softly and watched Jinyoung and Jackson continue to argue, "Is that so...?"

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