Childhood Promise (Prinxiety)

Start from the beginning

"Answer me, homo!" Mason shook Virgil roughly, causing his head to slam into the wall a few times. he stifled a groan of pain, and said, "No...didn't mean to..."

"Didn't mean to, eh? Just like my fist totally didn't mean to make contact with your face!" Just as Mason pulled his arm back to take a swing at Virgil, two hands pulling him off Virgil stopped the senior from going any farther.

"You must have forgotten, Mr. Moore, that you are still on school property," the teacher said, letting him go as soon as he was a few inches away from the anxious teen.

"I-I didn't do anything! Virgil tried to hit me! I was trying to defend myself!" Mason spluttered, making a weak argument.

"Ah yes, the teenager you had pinned to the wall attempted to hit you. I'll have you know that I can review the cameras and if this information of yours doesn't check out—"

"Okay, okay!" Mason said, giving up.

The teacher smirked in triumph. He made sure Virgil was alright afterwards, and the teen politely declined when he offered to walk him to the nurse. So, as Logan Sanders, one of Virgil's favorite teachers, led Mason to the office, the anxious teen walked home, turning up his music louder than usual.

Upon reaching his driveway, he was confused and rather amazed as he laid his eyes on a new, cherry red Camaro just sitting there, practically begging for attention and to have people fawn over it.

With a small sigh, he walked inside the house, looking around rather suspiciously. Surely the car wasn't a present from his parents, right? It wasn't anywhere near his birthday, and as far as he knew, there were no holidays going on. His grades weren't so hot either, so it definitely couldn't be a gift.

Virgil sat his backpack down on one of the dining room chairs, pulling out a beat-up paperback book, one that he had rescued from a yard sale years ago, and going outside. He walked to the old oak tree, sitting under it and curling up a bit with his book. He was so into it that he didn't even hear any twigs snap, alerting him of a presence hovering above him. However, when a shadow crossed over his book, obstructing the sunlight that was streaming down on him, he finally looked up, gasping loudly in surprise as he realized someone was there.

"I...who are you...?" Virgil questioned, eyes scanning over the person's face. Suddenly, he knew exactly who this was. "Roman?!" Abandoning his book, Virgil shot up from his spot under the tree. Even now, Roman was still taller than him, and his bright and dazzling smile hadn't changed at all over the years.

Virgil's eyes flicked from Roman's warm brown eyes to the large bouquet of red roses he held, in complete disbelief.

"I never forgot my promise..." Roman said, his voice much deeper now since the last time Virgil heard it. But that sweetness was still there, as well as his confidence, the same confidence Virgil once had as well, but had lost years ago.

"Only...only you would remember to keep that promise," Virgil managed out, finding it hard to keep his eye contact with his old friend. As a child, he of course never really noticed his best friend's looks, but now, he couldn't help but notice just how handsome Roman really was.

Roman chuckled. "That's true...but it seemed you remembered my promise too..."

"O-Oh..." Virgil looked down, his face turning bright red. Though he hated to admit it, over the years, he never forgot Roman's promise...ever. And some days, when he felt like all hope in his life was gone, he focused on Roman's promise. It may seem stupid to anyone else, but that little shred of hope helped him more than he would like to ever admit.

"...Do you still wish to go on a date with me, even after all this time...?" Roman asked, softly. He held the bouquet out to Virgil, almost like an offering, and the anxious teen hesitantly took it, catching he sweet smell of the flowers as he did so.

"I...Uh..." Virgil bit his lip. It was moments like this that he wished he could have his old confidence again, rather than the anxiety he constantly felt now.

"Hey, it's alright, okay? Take your time and think about it, Vee," Roman said, giving him a small and reassuring smile.

Virgil nodded. It was hard to even wrap his mind around situation. Just barely an hour ago, he was being pushed around by a bully. But now, he was standing in front of a very attractive guy, who just so happened to be his childhood friend. And...he had a chance to go on a date with him. How did he get so lucky?

Virgil took a deep breath, looking up at Roman slowly. "...Yes, I'll go on a date with you..."


Should this have a part 2?

Also, band camp is starting soon, kiddos, so that means less time to update. I'm going to try to update this book, as well as my others as much as I can.

Oh, and I used a prompt for this. It's at the top of the chapter.


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