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****Abbey's POV****

Wes and Megan became official and they both seemed happy so I didn't want to ruin the mood and made my way over to the fire pit. After the celebrations Dani and Jack came and sat with me.

"I've got something to tell you." I whispered to them. "Adam said he loved me."

"Did he?" Dani shouted and gave me a massive hug. "I'm so happy for you guys."

"Thank you."

"How did he do it?" Jack said. "I know that he was quite nervous to tell you."

"He told you?"

"Yeah. He was nervous and he only told me. He wanted it to be a surprise."

"I can cope with that. He just took me out to watch the view and told me. Just plain and simple which is what I like."

"He's coming."

"Look at you mr." Dani said and gave him a hug. "Congratulations."

"I know. It was long overdue." He said and put an arm around my shoulder. "Are you alright? You didn't come over."

"I know. It's just I didn't really want to celebrate with Megan and then being extra tension into the conversations."

"Fair enough."


I noticed Alexandra had just finished having a chat with Kieran and made my way over.

"Hi babe." I told her. "How are you feeling about everything?"

"I'm not going to lie the new guys have caught my eye but then I speak to Alex and like him even more."

"It'll be difficult when you will probably have to pick between them."

"Of course." She said. "Anyway I heard Adam told you he loved you."

"Yeah we had a nice cuddle and then he told me. Just plain but romantic at the same time."

"He actually kind of confessed to me in the date that he was in love with you. But I didn't want to tell you."

"Thank you. I like that he kept it a surprise."

"What do you think of the new guys?"

"I think that Idris can be a bit of a game player and that Kieran is my ex so I'm trying to be civil with him."

"Did you date?"

"We had a little fling but we were never official or anything like that. But then he told me the other day he wanted to be and I was like what."

"Oh no."

"I know exactly. Not really what I wanted to hear when I was happy with another guy."


We made our way to the bed that evening and I got changed before getting in and being a little spoon with Adam.

"I really want the hideaway." I told him. "If we get it I would go the full way with you."

"I don't want you to feel pressured."

"You wouldn't be I want this."

"I actually love you Abbey."

"I love you too." I said and turned around to face him. "Now let's sort out this problem you've got."


I woke up the next morning and found that Adam wasn't in bed. I went upstairs and decided that I needed a workout and got changed into my gear.

I made my way outside and found that Adam there with Josh and Idris.

"Look who's here now." Josh teased. "I'm surprised you've not lost all your abs. You've barely worked out in here."

"I know but it's so hot" I said and gave Adam a peck as I walked past. "You'll catch flies babe."

"Well it's hard not to be like this with you in front of me."

"Shut up."

I went over to the weights and started on them before I took to stretching and the more flexible side of things.

"Abbey can you touch your head with your feet?"

"Of course."

I pulled up my foot behind the back of me and made it touch the crown of my head.

"You're actually really flexible."

"I have to be which is why I work out a lot. I need the core strength to do these things."

"Where are you based?" Idris asked and I could feel Adam getting annoyed by the questioning.

"London. But I'd always be open to moving elsewhere and set up another dancing school."


We were all led about that afternoon after an uneventful morning when Josh got a text. I was currently leaning my head on Adam's chest as he stroked my hair.

"Boys it's time to get the girls he under the collar in today's task."

The boys all got changed into some firemen outfits before we made our way down to where the challenges are held.

When it was Adam's turn he first had to strip down into his pants and come and collect me. He came over and was already glistening from the water and sun.

"Sorry love." He said and picked me up before taking me over to a box. I had to sit and watch as he made his way across and performed 20 press ups.

"This is too much girls."

He then came back over and was even more wet as he picked me back up and took me over to the final podium. He then climbed up and rescued the cuddly toy.

"Kiss her mate."

He had to finish by kissing me and leaned in for one of the most passionate kisses we've had. At least when we were not in bed.

Gosh that did get me hot under the collar a bit. Who doesn't like a hot fireman coming to pick you up like that?

After everyone had performed we made our way to each other and decided which guy was the best.

"I would say Adam but I think we all know it was Idris. He put the most effort in."

Laura then stood up and announced Idris was the hottest, which earned a few cheeky glances from the boys.

"I'll get you Abbey if you didn't vote for me."

"I did babe don't worry."


We came back to the villa and we all jay having a chat when Kaz got a text.

"Islanders tonight there will be a recoupling in which the girls will pick who they want to couple up with. The two boys not picked will be dumped from the island immediately."

"Ooh." I told Adam. "You better get grafting then."

"Haha. I might have some competition."

"Don't worry I think you're safe." I said and sat on his lap. "Think Dani might pick you."

"We doing a swap?"

"Of course." I said and then we burst out laughing. "But Honestly you have nothing to worry about. I only want you."

"Thank you." He said and pulled me into a kiss. "Love you"

"I love you. Just hope Alex doesn't go I know he likes this girl."

"I think he's in danger if he doesn't graft tonight."

****Author's Note****

I hope you like this chapter.

Need a vote guys. Should Abbey stay with Adam or I should I try and find a different guy??

Who do you think Alexandra will pick?

Vote and comment any suggestions.


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