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****Abbey's POV****

Alex and Eyal all made their way out of sight so I made my way over to Charlie as he looked quite lonely.

"Hi." I told him. "I know we haven't quite spoken today but I do honestly want to get to know you."

"No I understand. I know that things are up in the air with the whole Eyal thing and then things can move on."

"Yeah I wouldn't have wanted you to start something with me with him in the background."

"So do you have your eye on anyone in here?"

"Obviously you're lovely and I would like k get to know you but then I do know Samira and I want to see her."

I think I need to tell Charlie that you don't say that to a girl. Who wants to be told basically that you've got competition with somebody. I'm not about to compete with anyone.

"No I understand and I want it to work both ways. I want to speak to all the lads and get a gist of them."


"But I want to start with you and see if there is anything there."

"Well I think I can fit you in my schedule." He said and gave me a hug. "I'm glad I got left with you."


"Not in that way. I wish you was romantically coupled up with someone but you're a lovely girl."

"Thank you."


I made my way back into the kitchen and found that Alex and Eyal had gone to speak to each other. I stood with Adam by the fire pit.

"So how's your day been?" I asked him.

"It's been good. Rosie and I haven't had any little arguments so that's a positive."

"Was you glad she picked you last night?"

"Yeah I mean. I didn't really have a choice in the matter but I would have been happy either way. I would have ended up with you."

"Would you have liked that?"

"I wouldn't have been complaining let's just say that."

The area went silent for few seconds before I tried to change the subject.

"What do you think they're talking about?"

"Alex looks pretty angry so I don't know."

"I hope Eyal doesn't have a go at him. He's done nothing wrong."


They both then separated and Alex care over to us.

"What did he say?" I asked.

"Basically he just accused me of being disrespectful to him and going behind his back. I just went to speak to the girl."

"What's writ with that?"

"Exactly. He's said from the beginning that we're just coupled up and we can all get to know each other."

"Oh so it's alright for him I do it with me but not for anyone to do it against him. I'm fuming."

"Don't get angry." Alex said and pulled me into a hug. "He'll get his karma soon."



I made my way into the villa later on and found Dani at the make up station

"We're making a habit of this?" I told her. "How are you?"

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