Spin The Bottle

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****Abbey's POV****


Once he said her name everyone just looked around shocked. I don't think anyone expected that. I know I wasn't holding out for him picking me but I do feel a big mugged off to be honest. These last two days he's been well nice to me and then he does this.

Niall then received a text that he was vulnerable at the next recoupling. Kendall then received a text that they were going on a date. I just sat there next to Wes until we got told we could get up.

"Babe." I said to Niall and gave him a hug. "Are you alright?"

"Of course I'm gutted but I said it from the start. He's not to be trusted and I've just got to go with it now."

"Yeah you'll pick yourself up."

"Are you alright?" He asked. "I know that you and Adam had a few flirty chats."

"I feel played to be honest but I know maybe I over read it a bit too much."

"Don't be silly. Any girl would do that."


Before they went out I found Adam in the changing room alone so I went along side him and got myself ready.

"Babe." He started. "I don't want it to be awkward between us."

"It won't be you had a decision to make and even though I don't understand it, I should respect it."

"I just think I would be not taking all the chances I have if I didn't pick her now."

"But what does this mean for us as you was flirting with me last night."

"Just go about our day normally. If something happens then great but I want to keep everything open."

"I guess you should have a good date then." I said and he pulled me into a hug. "Hope it goes well."

"Thanks darling."

Adam then walked off and I was left alone to ponder to myself before walking back down to be with everyone.

Its not a secret that I found Adam attractive, I think everyone did. I feel sorry for Niall as I know him and Kendall did have something going on. I'm just going to take my time now to get to know all the boys. I haven't even spoken to some of them yet.


They went off on their date and I decided to go and have a chat with Wes on one of the beds outside.

"Do you want a cuddle?" He asked as I led down so I laid my head on his chest. "You don't have to lie. I know you're gutted he didn't pick you."

"Not because of you I can assure you of that. I just thought we had a connection but I was wrong."

"So I was right then?"

"About what?"

"We're just mates. I didn't want to say anything in case you thought there was."

"No. You are a lovely guy but I need someone a bit more rough and you just look like a baby to me."

"Now that hurt." He joked.

"Can we still be friends though?"

"Sure we can." I said. "We'll still be sharing a bed together anyway. At least it won't be that awkward."

"Sure and you know if you find an amazing guy then I won't hold you back. Go for it."

"Same for you. But if you don't then I'll save you."

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