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****Abbey's POV****

Throughout the afternoon I watched all the guys make an extra effort with Alexandra to try and persuade her to pick them. I got changed for the night into my white dress, with a white neckline.

I made my way into the garden where I found Kaz on her own.

"Who do you think she will pick then?" I asked and sat down.

"I really don't know. I feel like we all want her I pick Alex but then she might be attracted to Idris."

"Yeah That was my thoughts. I think Kieran is already gone."

"Yeah." She said. "I just wouldn't like to see the atmosphere if Alex went."

"Neither would I. I know it was sad when all the others left but this would be a big blow. Do you like the other guys?"

"I've actually come really close to them. I think because we had that conversation at the start they've grew to just become friends with me."

"Well they might not go."

"Yeah I don't think so."


We were all sat around when Josh got a text.

"Please can all Islanders gather around the fire pit immediately."

The girls all went and sat down and I left Adam stood up with the others.

Dani was up first and of course chose Jack. Kaz then chose Josh. Megan chose Wes and Ellie chose Charlie. Laura then chose Jack. Georgia then chose Sam. Next up was me.

"I want to couple up with this boy because everyday we keep getting stronger and stronger and he's proving everyone wrong. I've fallen in love with him and I honestly can't see myself with anyone else." They all aww'ed at that. "So the boy I want to couple up with is Adam."

They all started cheering and Adam came over.

"Thank you. I love you."

"I love you."

We sat down together and he wrapped his arm round my shoulder as we waited for Alexandra's choice.

"This hasn't been an easy decision for me. But I want to couple up with this boy because we've had some good chats over the past couple of days and he really impressed me today in the challenge. I had to stay true to myself and go with the person I can see a future with." I was cutting off the blood circulation in Adam's hand by now. "So the boy I want to couple up with is Alex."


I went up to say a quick goodbye to Idris and then went over to Kieran.

"I'm so sorry you didn't get a chance in here." I said. "Hopefully we can move past this all now."

"I hope so. Adam is really into you and I need to respect that. He's good for you"

"I know but thank you for the reassurance."

We watched as they walked out the door and into the darkness again.

"So Alex and Alex." Alex said. "That's going to be confusing."

"I'm so happy for you." I said and pulled them into a hug. "You charmed her."

"I must have."


"Abbey come and have a cuddle with me." Adam shouted.

"I'm coming."

We went over to the day bed and had a cuddle together. I led my head on his chest and he cuddled me into him.

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