Final Dates

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****Abbey's POV****

We all watched Jack and Laura walk out of the villa after being dumped and everyone seemed to naturally gravitate to their couples.

"Where should we go?" Adam asked.

"Let's go upstairs. I need to take my make up off and it'll be quiet."

We made our way upstairs and I sat down on his lap as I took my make up off.

"You know what babe I would have been happy to go tonight." He told me. "I've got you and that's all I need. I couldn't care about winning now."

"I know. I feel like we've only got a couple of days left in here anyway so we wouldn't miss much."

"I'm just glad we're going to be going together. Hopefully."

"If I went would you go with me."

"Of course I would. I want to face the world together. I know that everyone will love you but I don't want you to have to deal with all the rubbish towards me."

"Do you still think people will hate you?"

"Yeah. I reckon I'll have some rumour flying around about me. Just know that I've been honest with you and there's nothing to be scared of."

"Thank you."

"We're going to fly home and get together with both of our families and then take it from there. It's hard to imagine really. I'm just in this little bubble with you right now."

"Oh you're such a sweetheart."

"I know and babe you look beautiful right now."

"I love you." I said and leaned into him.

"I love you."


Dani came into the dressing room as we were still cuddling on one of the chairs.

"I hope I'm not interrupting anything." She said.

"No you're fine. We're all done." I told her.

"You better not have been doing it on that chair."

"We did not. We just had a nice talk and cuddle."

"Aren't you two sweet. It's really nice seeing you in this little bubble you're in."


I got changed quickly before we made our way into the bedroom and got under the covers.

"Was you sad to see Jack go?" I asked Adam.

"I would have been upset with whoever went but out of all the guys I probably bonded with him least."

"I had an argument with Laura the other day. I was right that's something not right with her."

"What about?"

"The whole question thing. She seemed apologetic but I wasn't having it."

"Oh. Okay."

"But If They can make it work I'll be happy for them."

"Yeah." He said and pulled me into his chest. "See you in the morning."

"I love you."

"I love you."



It was the middle of the night and I had moved onto the other side of the bed, when I heard a phone going off. I was just about settled back to sleep when I heard it going off again.

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