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****Abbey's POV****

I woke up the next morning and I turned over to find that Eyal was still asleep. Thankfully we'd kept to our own sides of the bed so I could make my way straight out of the bed.

I made my way into the changing room and found a pink and white bikini for the day.

"Have you spoken to Eyal yet?" Dani asked as I did my make up.

"No I hope that by the time I'm finished in here they'll be ready. Then I can go and speak to him. I just hope it's not bad news."

"Hey Come here." She said and pulled me into a hug. "Everything will be alright. Whether that is with Eyal or not."

"Yeah. I don't know why I'm getting upset. I've only known the guy a week."

"Exactly. Don't think about things so much and it might get better."

"Well wish me luck." I said and stood up.

"You don't need it."


I made my way out of the villa and found everyone was sat around on the sun loungers together.

"You alright babe?" Rosie asked.

"I was just wondering if I could have a chat with Eyal?"

Everyone made an 'ooh' as he stood up and followed me over to the fire-pit.

"Are you alright?" He asked.

"Not really." I told him. "Yesterday we went on the date and I felt like I was respectful to you but you maybe wasn't to me."

"What do you mean?"

"I heard that something happened on the date and then you kind of went and spread it about to everyone."

"One I didn't say it to everyone and secondly you said that we could be open and get to know everyone."

"Did you kiss?" I whispered.

"I'm so sorry." He asked and that was all the confirmation I needed. "Babe I-"

"Look maybe this was the wake up call that I needed." I said and stood up. "Listen go and get to know Megan and see what happens. I'll just the doormat again."

"Why are you getting upset?"

"Because I feel like you had chance to tell me all night and you didn't bother. I've been worrying about what's going on and I needed you to tell me what was going on."

I stood up and decided this was my chance to get away.

"Babe come and talk to me...."

"No. You had your chance and go and do what you want now."

I know people will think Eyal had every right to do that but I feel like kissing him on the date was such a muggy move. Then not telling me was a kick to the teeth, if anything I'm more upset because of that.


After I went and calmed down we came back outside and gathered on the grass.

"Guys I just wanted to tell you all that Niall has left for personal reasons. I just wanted to tell you all at the same time."

"What? Has he gone already."

"Yeah and he's not returning."

I'm honestly devastated about that. Niall was a good friend of mine in here as I wish him all the best. I hope I'll see him again.


As the sun set on the villa we all made our way in to get changed into a white top and blue shorts.

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