Extra Chapter: Aftersun

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Set around the Aftersun episode on the 8th of July

****Third Person****

"This is Love Island Aftersun." Caroline started. "Now we've had a packed week on the show and here to get all the juicy gossip is Ferne McCann, Ross Adams and Danny Jones."


"So there's only one place we can really start, that kiss with Georgia and Jack. Who is lying?"

"Georgia." Ferne started which led onto a debate with them all.

"Now who is the real victim in all of this."

"Laura." Ross started. "I think everyone's forgot that she is in there for love and she just keeps getting knocked back."

"I felt really sorry for her at the end." Caroline said. "I really just wanted to give her a hug."

"I also feel sorry for Abbey." Ferne started. "She's been put in He middle a bit and she doesn't want to hurt anyone's feelings."

"Shouldn't she be on Georgia's side though as her friend?"

"I think the problem is she also likes Laura and therefore whoever she picks she's going to get ear ache from the other one."

"What do we think about Ellie?"

"I think she just said something and she got hot headed and she probably regrets it now. She also doesn't like Georgia so I think everything just accumulated and that was the moment she needed to get it all out."

"Our panel everybody."


"Now onto the couples." Caroline said. "First we've got Josh and Kaz. What do we think of them?"

"I didn't like them at first but now I think they're very good together."

"Could they challenge Dani and Jack?"

"Maybe. I think Dani and Jack have got a few competitors now."

"They do look good together. Next one is Megan and Wes. Now Wes chose Megan this week to save her from a dumping but before that he did say he has his eye on Abbey. What do we think of all that?"

"Let's be honest I'd go for Abbey if she gave me a chance." Ferne said. "But I Do now think Wes and Megan could work."

"The people who know him best in the room are his friends who are here with us today." Caroline said and pointed At three boys in the audience. "How do you think Wes has come across in the villa?"

"I think he's done really well. Everyone seems to like him."

"Is Megan his usual type?"

"I think so. She's quite shy and that's the type of girl he usually likes."

"Do you think the two will work?"

"No. I really want to say yes but she'll probably get turned by the next guy who walks in. He was probably best to couple up with someone like Abbey or Grace who seem quite loyal."

"Thank you." Caroline said and turned back to the panel. "Now Abbey and Adam. What do we think of them?"

"I was wary at first but now I think they're such a good couple." Ferne said. "When She said she wanted to change him I was like that can't happen but now I junk it is."

"They became boyfriend and girlfriend this week. Ross can It last?"

"I hope so because I think she's invested a lot in him. I want him to prove everyone wrong really."

"Why do you think we're so drawn to this couple Danny? Everyone did hate Adam after what he did to Zara."

"Let's be honest it's all Abbey. She's turned into the nations sweetheart."

"Why is that Ferne?"

"She's just such a sweet soul and yet she's not afraid to take risks. She's so relatable and I think that's important for us watching at home. She makes me laugh and I think she's a committed person which is important."

"Now we've actually got Abbey's best friends in the studio. Please welcome Georgia and Olivia." Two girls then walked out and sat on the sofa with them all. "How do you think Abbey's doing in there?"

"She's doing so well. She's stayed true to herself and I think she's slowly finding love in Adam."

"Is Adam her usual type?"

"Well she's never had a serious relationship to compare it with but she's never really gone for the bad boy type."

"Was you concerned when you saw her go for him?"

"Of course like she could have gone for the safe option but I guess it's all paid off for her. She made the right decision and we can all see that now."

"What is Abbey like as a friend?"

"She's so loyal and she's probably the best friend you could have. She's funny and great on a night out but she can be serious as well."

"Thank you."


Ellie and Alex were finishing up their leaving interview.

"So Alex if you could go back in there who would you couple up with now?"

"I don't know because Megan was really the only girl for me. I would have liked to get to know Abbey and Dani but they were really loyal to their now boyfriends."

"Was it very serious to them?"

"Yeah. I could see for them two it was hard to think about their partners being with someone else. Abbey especially was a nervous wreck most of the time."

"Ellie for you who would you like to win?"

"I think it would have to be either Dani and Jack or Abbey and Adam. They were all really welcoming to me and I think I can see them going somewhere in the future."


****Author's Note****

I hope you like this chapter.

Just a little bit extra for you all. I only included the boys where I could talk about Abbey.

Vote and comment any suggestions.


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