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****Abbey's POV****

Ellie and Alex finished speaking and she made her way over to us girls.

"He said that I came in here only for him and I played him." She said in tears.

"Babe I think he's just upset and he really did like you. I think oh maybe gave him an impression that it might go there." Laura said.

"What just from coupling up with him?"

"Yeah that's what it seems like in here and maybe you didn't realise that."

"But I'm just frustrated he didn't even listen to me."

"Do you think you could bring friends?"

"No way. Like I would be shocked if he spoke nicely of me again."

"I think he's just fed up now. Like before he wanted that person and you came in and he thought he'd got what he wanted. It's disheartening when you're not."

"How do I make it up to him?"

"I don't think you have to. It's Love Island for a reason and if he doesn't want to be your friend then don't worry. There's more people in here." Dani said.

"Of course."


After everyone had finished and cooled down I made my way over to the boys who were on the beanbags.

"Hey pretty lady." Jack shouted. "What are you doing?"

"I thought I'd just come and sit with you all. The girls have broken off." I said and sat on Adams lap. "How was Alex?"

"Absolutely distraught and I think he had every right to be." Eyal said. "How can you shut it off with someone that quickly?"

"Yeah I feel sorry for Alex but she feels really bad as well."

"I know and I sympathise with her."

"Yeah. I think we all see both of their sides but then they maybe don't."

"That's the hard part." Adam said.

"Can I have a chat?" Megan asked Eyal.

"I don't think that will go well." I whispered as they walked off.

"No neither do I."


"Did you hear about Megan and Eyal?" Dani said as she came over to the bed I was on. "They've just broken things off."

"What why?"

"Apparently Megan said it was all like sexual attraction and she needs someone more fun."

"I hate to say this but I did warn her."

"You did. Like you predicted all this."

"I did. Like I have had that with him and I know that it can get so boring."

"Eyal is literally raging though, because he didn't see it coming or anything."

"It's weird though how she keeps on having sex with him, like surely before you had sex you should have realised that our aren't compatible."

"Oh I know. That's why I don't want to rush it with Jack."

"You don't need I worry about that though. You two are so compatible."



"Look over there." I whispered to Adam. "What are they doing? Is she flirting with him?"

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