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****Abbey's POV****

I made my way back into the kitchen where I found Laura on her own.

"What was that all about?" She asked.

"Oh he got a bit jealous over the whole Jack thing in the pool. I just told him there was nothing to worry about."

"Thing is he's always going to worry because he knows that you're one of the best girls in here."

"I know that's what he said. I just don't want him to think that I can't talk to any guy unless it's in a romantic way. Like what would happen if I went on a date with someone."

"I think it's works both ways though. Would you be jealous if he was picked to go on a date?"

"Fair enough. I would be fuming."

"Exactly just have faith in each other because unless someone comes in here that you absolutely love already I don't see it happening."

"I hope not. I do really like him."

"I think everyone can see that. Did you see what happened with Wes and Megan?"

"No what happened?"

"Basically he wants her back and she admitted she will fancied him. Now Alex is a bit in the lurch."

"That's wrong really. She can't just jump back and forth and he should have more respect for himself than that."



Later on I made my way over to Dani as she and Jack were on their own.

"Guys I need some advice" I told them. "So you know that Adam got jealous and all that well I think I have a reason for that. Is he just sexually frustrated?"

"He might be but that doesn't give him a reason to be jealous." Dani told me. "You have a right to wait and he should respect that."

"But then I feel like I'm being a bit frigid with him."

"Don't feel like that." Jack said. "If Adam knew you felt that way then he would be upset. Only do something when you're sure."

"But what if I am. Like how do I bring it up in conversation."

"Just be casual about it. Maybe go to be in something more revealing and then he'll definitely be in your hands."

"I'm so nervous."

"Don't be if you're meant to be together then it will happen."


We made our way up to bed quite early that night and Adam and I were one of the first in bed. I was just wearing one of his shirts with some underwear underneath. We were having a spoon until the lights went out and then I turned around.

"I can feel you poking me you know?"

"Can you? It's just You exciting me."

"I think you deserve something for your patience you know."

"What like?"

"Let me show you"


The next morning I woke up and found Adam was spooning me again from behind.

"Hi gorgeous." He said and kissed behind my ear. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah I'm just going to go and get changed." I said and turned over for a cuddle. "But you're much more inviting."

"I know it's a talent of mine."

We cuddled for a few minutes before I went and quickly got changed and then made my way outside where Adam had now gone. I was wearing a black ad white striped bikini.

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