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****Abbey's POV****

I followed her inside to the lounge area and sat down next to her.

"Babe what happened?" I asked Laura.

"He's just sat there and told me that he doesn't think were good together and he could be happier with Megan."

"Did he say that?"

"Yeah. Like straight to my face and then said that he was now going to crack on with her."

"Well She did say that she asked him to kiss her."

"This is what I'm talking about. He never told me any of this and now I'm looking like the mug. I'm raging."

"Please calm down honey."

"No abbey I'm absolutely livid right now. He's played me in here and now he's just going to go onto the next girl."

"Megan was in the wrong as well hun Definitely. If that was me I would have spoken to you."

"Exactly." She said and walked away.

I made my way outside and found that Wes was there with Dani and Jack.


"Please don't speak to me as I'll say something I regret. I just hope you know you're taking a massive risk right now and Laura is really upset."

"I know but I can't just be in here to make her happy when I'm upset."

"For lead her on then, you've made her look like an absolute mug."

"Well if you would actually let me explain."

"I don't need an explanation from you. You make me sick tonight."


Laura was really upset and I couldn't stand to see her that way so I made my way over to the beanbags and sat alone.

"Are you alright?" I heard from behind me and found Adam there.

"No. Wes is in the wrong and I feel like if I'm not careful I'll blow my cool. Laura is devastated and I hate seeing her that way."

"Babe I know it's hard for you."

"I just don't understand who persuaded him to do that. Who got inside his head or is it all him?"

"Here's the thing. I kind of told Wes that he would regret it if he didn't go for her. I didn't think he'd go through with it though."

"You're just as bad as him." I almost shouted. "How would you feel if someone said that to me?"

"That's completely different."

"No it isn't. I can't believe you'd do that. I think this is a moral different we have."


"I don't want to here it."


As the night drew to a close I made my way inside and found that Adam was already in bed. As I was getting ready Megan and Wes walked past me with the duvet in their hands.

"Night guys." She shouted.

"I can't deal with this." Laura said once they walked past and tools her duvet into the lounge.

"I think I'm going to join her." I told everyone. "I don't want her to be alone."

"Abbey..." Adam groaned.

"No this isn't about us."

"What's happened between you two?" Josh asked.

"Adams been giving out some lessons." I said as I walked past. "Glad you haven't taken any."

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