After Party and Loose Women

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****Abbey's POV****

They finished up the show and then we all had to make our way to the venue for the after party. I chose to go with all the girls and Adam went with the boys.

Alexandra, Ellie and Zara were in the same car as me.

"So Alex have you got your eye on anyone tonight?" I asked her.

"I don't know. I mentioned in an interview the other day that I did like glasses Alex. He messaged me the other night as well so hopefully he chats to me."

"He seems quite nice" Ellie said.

"Yeah. Just don't go drinking too much and then you'll end up in his bed."


"Just being the responsible adult here."

"Abbey Was it a bit awkward in Megan's interview? Are you going to speak to her?"

"If she wants to speak to me then she can do but I'm not going to suck up to her. I've got all the friends I need right here."

"You're so cute."


"So what are you doing this week?"

"Adam's got an appearance in Cardiff tomorrow and most of this week. Then next Tuesday we're on Loose Women."

"Ooh I'll definitely be watching." Ellie said.

"Thank you. There are quite a lot of rumours going around about you and Charlie aren't there."

"I know. It's like every time we're seen and I don't look happy they think we've split up."

"Oh I know and actually you've not but you might not be in the best mood."



It was getting to about three in the morning and there weren't that many of us left. I was just a bit drunk and currently sat on Adam's lap as we shared a cocktail.

"Babe." I slurred in his ear. "I love you."

"I love you too babe."

Megan then came over and sat beside us.

"Please could I have a word?" She directed towards me asking Adam to leave.

"Adam please don't leave."

"I won't don't worry. Megan please can we do this another time, she's a bit drunk."

"No it's fine let her say what she wants to."

"I just wanted to say that I know you may have seen all the things I've said about you but I honestly didn't say those things. I was made to say that."

"Whether You was made to or not doesn't matter you still said it."

Over the past couples of days she'd Don't some video interviews and basically in all of them she said our relationship is fake, I was excluding her from the group and she was made out to be a bully on the show.

"Hearing someone like you say that I was basically excluding you when I didn't want to make you feel that way and you made all the stupid comments."

"Let's just agree to disagree."

"Yeah let's do that and by the way I did think your relationship is fake but I don't know. I can see he cares for you."

"Well I do." Adam said. "She's my girl."

"Thank you."


Adam didn't let me drink anymore after that so by the time we went home at around 5 in the morning I was all clear in the head. He got us into a taxi and took us back to the hotel room he'd rented out.

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