Mission Dr Alex

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****Abbey's POV****

We just calmed down when Alexi got a text.

"Islanders it's time for the next recoupling. Girls please sit around the fire pit and the boys stand in front of them."

"Good luck." I said to everyone and sat down.

Dani was up first and picked Jack, which was very sweet. Laura was then up and picked Wes, which made me very happy seeing his smiley face. Georgia was then up next and picked Josh with Megan next.

"I want to couple up with this boy because he's made me feel comfortable in here. He's really handsome and I hope things could go somewhere in the future. So the boy I want to couple up with is..... Eyal."

I watched him walk over and I knew now that I would have to go for someone else.

Samira was then up next and she picked Alex, who honestly looked heartbroken. Rosie then coupled up with Adam which left Charlie.

"Well I'm still deciding who I want I couple up with?" I joked. "No but seriously from what I've seen he's a gentleman and I want to get to know him. If things don't work out then at least we can have a good time together. So the boy I want to couple up with is.... Charlie."

"Thank you." He said and gave me a hug.


I walked off and just wanted a bit of time to compose myself. I made my way inside and Dani followed me into the toilet.

"I don't know what to do?" I started crying into her shoulder. "Am I thank unlikable."

"Babe it's not like that. Eyal was snapped up and you've not really had the chance to get over him."

"But now I feel like Do I go and talk to her. She knew we were not over and sill picked him."

"I'd go and have a chat to her. Get it all over with."

"Yeah. Thank you." I told her and gave her a hug. "At least Charlie seems nice and it wasn't Adam."

"True." She said and kissed my cheek. "Come on. I'm sure some people will need to speak to you. What are you most worried about?"

"What if a girl comes in for Charlie and then I'm basically finished. I don't want to leave."

"I'm sure you won't."


We made our way downstairs and I went over to the kitchen where Megan was.

"Babe can I have a word with you?" I asked.

"Sure." She said and came over to me. "What's up?"

"I just wanted to kind of get everything out in the open and just not make anything awkward."

"I obviously I didn't mean to hurt you. I just liked Eyal and I picked him because to be honest with you it's Love Island."

"I understand that. I just think the way you went about it was muggy."


"Kissing him in front of me and Alex when you could see I was upset about it."

"We didn't mean to do that and Eyal explained that to you."

"Whether you meant it or not you still did it. But I'm over it all. Let's just forget about it and move on, I'm sure he probably already has."


We made our way into the bedroom later and I found my new bed that I was sharing with Charlie.

"This is the third guy I've slept in a bed with." I told Dani who was in the bed next to me. "That sounds so wrong."

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