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****Abbey's POV****

Rosie walked away from Adam and after Wes and Eyal had made their way over I decided to go and join them.

"Hi." I said and sat dow next to him. "Well that looked intense."

"Yeah. I couldn't get a word in and it's not even worth trying when she's acting like that."

"Has she made your mind up then?"

"Oh one hundred percent. I don't need to be around someone who's acting that childish. She also made me angry by making you upset."

"What did she do?" Wes asked.

"She just had a go at me this afternoon and basically said that my decision was a stupid one."

"We've made it very clear that we have a connection there and I think we owe it to ourselves to try it out." Adam said. "We'll go a bit slower this time."

"I'd like that." I said.

"She's making her way over." Adam said.

"Can I have a word?" Rosie asked me.


We made our way over to the swing and she sat down first.

"I just wanted to make it clear about why I've been upset these past couple of days. So we've been spending 24 hours a day together for 10 days and we've talked about being a couple inside and outside this villa. He's made me promises and we took it to the next level."

"I also don't think you've handled it well these past couple of days. Like you could have come and had a chat with me and said you liked him."

"But did I have to do that? I'm not your friend and you've known him 10 days. You're not married to him and I was completely single. I thought about telling you but then I though I don't actually know whether there's anything going on between us."

"Should you not have come to me though and said you'd had words?"

"To be honest I didn't know how serious you was. Like I know you did stuff the other night but it could have just been a giddy moment."

"Fair enough. I think it's obvious we're going to be friends but I just wanted to warn you. You're the fourth girl in two weeks and you need to be careful."

"Well I hope to make him stop at four so...."


We had an awkward few minutes in silence before she walked away and Alex and Adam joined me.

"What did she say?" Adam asked.

"Basically she just warned me because of the whole four girls thing. She also said that I handled it in a bad way."

"Does What She said put you off me?"

"I'm cautious but I've told you before that I'd go for it and you won't change my mind."

"I'm glad."

"I'm just worried like what if another girl comes in here who is your type?"

"You're my type though and you're different to the others. I genuinely want to see us try and work this out."

"Thank you." I said and leaned my head on his shoulder.

"Can you see Laura and Wes having an argument down there?" Alex said.

"Oh no."


I made my way inside later on when I could see that Laura had got upset after her argument with Wes.

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