The Final

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****Abbey's POV****

We all had to get ready for the Live Final inside as the villa was being filled with guests for the main event. All us girls were in the dressing room getting ready for the final time. I had chosen to wear a white midi dress with lace embellishment.

"It's weird this is our final time being in here." I told them all.

"It is. It's about to get real now though. There's going to be the public in the villa." Dani said.

"Well let's just remember our time together." I told them all. "Whoever wins deserves this and we all know it."

"Good luck to you all." Laura said and we all formed a group hug. "I love you all."

"Love you too."

We walked into the bedroom where the boys were getting ready and Adam had just kept with his white shirt and back tight pants.

"Are you ready?" Adam said and took me off into the corner of the bedroom. "It's about to get real."

"I'm ready for it all."

"I think we all know Jack and Dani are going to win so we can just enjoy tonight. I've already won by having you in my life."

"You're so cheesy, but wherever we Come I'll be happy."

"I love you Abbey."

"I love you Adam. Now come on our journey isn't going to end here."


We all had to take our seats in the fire pit as Caroline introduced the show and after the clips from the ball they came over to us.

"I love them all so much and here they are. Our Love Island finalists." She announced. "Now Wes How was the final night in the villa?"

"It was amazing. Just getting everyone together and I absolutely love everyone here."

"Megan how was his declaration of love?"

"It was amazing. I was such a melt though, I couldn't stop crying."

"Laura you've had quite a tough time in here. What have you learnt from this experience?"

"Well you've just got to back yourself and that might mean kissing a few frogs. No offence Wes. But I mean it's all worth it in the end."

"Paul it's going pretty well for you right now isn't it? You confirmed Laura is a better kisser than Britney"

"It is. I've got Laura and I mean it might be awkward when I bump into Britney." He joked. "No but I hope all this can continue in the future."

"Abbey." Caroline turned to me. "What are you going to take away from all of this?"

"I just think as Laura said you've got to back yourself. Take risks because the easy options not always worth it." I said and gave Adam a wink. "It was a risk coming in here but it's been the best experience of my life."

"Adam," Caroline said. "Life looks pretty good right now, can you believe you're in the final?"

"Not one bit. I thought I would be dumped straight away but I'm sat here now with the most perfect girl for me. Life does look pretty good."

The other two couples had their questions and then Caroline spoke to the audience.

"Our finalists everybody. So that's it. It's time to see adios to the villa and pack up for another year. There's just your winner to decide, which of these five couples do you want to win. The vote closes in a couple of minutes so go to the app now."

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