Lie Detector

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****Abbey's POV****

We all watched Steph and Josh leave the villa and make their way out of sight before we went back into the garden. I made my way over to Adam and he could see that I was upset.

"What's wrong baby?" He asked and led me over to the sofa.

"I was so nervous that we could have gone. Then I feel bad though because they actually went and we're safe."

"Don't feel bad. I was really nervous that they'd left us till the end. By then I wouldn't be that upset. I've got you and you're my perfect girl. I've already won."

"You always know what to say don't you?"

"Of course. I only want you to be happy. I'd do anything to see that happen."


"Yeah. I'd have done anything to see you happy when you're upset."

"Even jumped in that pool."


"You're so sweet. Now that I think about it I shouldn't have been nervous, we were leaving together and that's all that mattered."


"Can I tell you something?" I asked him.

"Go on."

"I get this really weird feeling from new Laura. I feel like she's up to something."


"She's just calculated in all her moves. I don't know what it is but she puts me on edge."

"Can't say I've noticed babe."


Adam and I were having a cuddle and everyone was really quiet when Jack got a text.

"Islanders the hideaway is open tonight. It's down to you to choose one couple to go for a sleepover."

"Alex squared." I shouted. "You have it."

"Woo." Alex shouted and all the boys got really pumped so I went over to Alexandra.

"Come on we need to get you ready." I said and grabbed her hand. We went into the bathroom and Dani was already in there.

"What do you think of this?" Alexandra said and showed us a little outfit she chose.

"My fanny just fluttered."

"Dani! You look stunning though babe."

Alex is a lucky guy.

We made our way downstairs and all the boys were there so I went first and then Alexandra walked in

"Oh my goodness." I heard Jack say. "Alex won't know what to do with himself."

They walked in to the hideaway and Adam turned to me.

"This is really weird. I can't imagine what they're going to do tonight."

"I don't really want to imagine that babe." I told him.

"He's got a little surprise for her as well."

"What is it?"

"A little waistcoat."


We made our way into the bedroom and I got changed into one of Adam's tops and just my bottoms.

"Babe you look good in anything I tell you." He said as I got into bed.

"Not sure about that."

"It's true. I want you all the time."

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