Arnavsi 31

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Story continues from arnav and khushi returning back to dinner table.


As soon as they came back Khushi sat down munching on the jalebis without paying attention to everyone looking at her . Anjali and Arnav laughed at her child like behavior ...Arnav looked at her surprised ...

Anjali: slow down Khushi ji there is more .

Khushi: oh sorry I haven't had this for a while now that's why.

She said shyly.

Anjali: it's ok .. eat as much as you like but eat your food first it's going to get cold . Chote you too eat .

Arnav: yes di.

Mami: hello hi bye bye I thought this jalebi had something wrongzz . That's why I dint eats...But looking at her doesn't seem likes something is wrong with it arnav betwa.

Arnav: there is nothing wrong with the jalebis mami you can have it .

All ate and got up. Anjali went and checked in the baby and khushi went to the family entertainment room to set up the movie for them to watch and make pop corns ....While Arnav went to his room to check his emails , he felt weird not having her with him first time after marriage . He was feeling really weird. He thought to give them sometime then he will go check on them...

Entertainment room:

Khushi and Anjali sitting watching movie and munching on pop corns . Both watching comedy movie and laughing and talking .. looking at the right time Khushi said .

Khushi: Anjali di Arnavji is planning to leave in two days . We wanted to know if it's going to be ok with you?

Anjali looked sad all of a sudden , she looked at khushi and said ..

Anjali: we have to go someday na ... I don't have a problem going in two days but I will always have memories of my Raj Kumar which I can never forget .. We grew up here khushi ji it's so hard to leave this place and go but together with good memories this place has bad memories too.

Khushi came close and hugged her while Anjali just sobbed on her shoulder.

Khushi: shhhh....shhhhh... everything will be alright.... di .... di we are here for you no matter what . If you go with us then you have a change of environment and it will be better for you. We all will miss Raj Kumar a lot and he will always be with us no matter what we do and where we go , he remains in our hearts and mind always . You are not leaving hi behind but you are moving on keeping his memories and all the good memories you have in this place . Those can never be taken away from you . That's yours to keep. A change in place will never take your memories away from you.

Anjali: you are right khushiji . Talking to you makes me feel so lighter alway ... you have that magic touch and voice like mumma did  . You are really like mumma and I'm so happy to have you by my side  and chote is really lucky to have you.

Khushi and Anjali broke the hug smiling at each other .. not knowing that all this was witnessed by Arnav who was standing there staring at there bonding. He is so happy that Khushi is there for Anjali when ever she needs them.

He came and sat down beside Anjali holding her hand ...

Arnav: di no more tears please..

He said wiping her tears. He looked at khushi went he same expression ....she wiped her own tears knowing he is gesturing her not to cry too.

Anjali: Chote .. I ... I'm fine ..

Arnav: are you sure you will be fine leaving in a couple days ?

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