Arnavsi 19

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Arnav and khushi arrived at the five star restaurant for lunch . He came and opened the door for her and gave the keys to the valet Parker to park the car... he then held khushi close and took her inside... as they arrived a pretty girl came and asked Arnav which table and she gave him a weird look which irked khushi a lot .: she was staring at him ignoring khushi standing right next to him, smiling more like offering her self to him then the table ...

Arnav : I'll take a booth for me and my beautiful wife please ...

Leaving the girl surprised when he never paid attention to her and kept looking at khushi lovingly .khushi got really happy that his all attention is on her ... they walked to the table which is isolated from others.... he then made her sit down and instead of sitting in front of her her sat beside her , he then wrapped his hands around her waist. The waiter came and asked for order.. Arnav ordered all the favorites for khushi .After he was done Khushi looked at him confused..

Khushi : aap ko kaise pata ki hume kya Pasaand hai ...( how did you know what I like in food)

Arnav : oh come on bachha I always pay attention when you eat and I can really tell what makes your face brighter and what doesn't .. If you don't know this then let me tell you I observe you very closely sweetheart . After all you are my life and in order to make this beautiful for us I need to know my wifeys likes and dislikes .. plus you did not ask me this morning how I knew you love jalebis.

Khushi : galat (wrong)....I like jalebi .. I only love you arnav ji ...

Arnav chuckled and side hugged her and kissed her temple ... they both were lost In there own little world they had their lunch and khushi made Arnav take him meds .. he then made the payment which was really expensive ...he got up and looked at khushis tensed face...

Arnav: what happened baby?

Khushi : this is so expensive Arnavji .. you should have told we could have went somewhere else ..

Arnav: khushi you are my wife now you need to learn alittle bit of expensive side of life too .. I know you feel like I just waisted money but this restaurant does charity fund where half of what we pay goes out to charity by them plus I own some shares in this restaurant too since this is world wide ....

Khushi : oh I did not know that Arnavji .. this is so nice of them to do that ...

Arnav : yes indeed ..

They drove off but Arnav was In no mood to back to AR designs so he started driving in the direction of RM, he wants to spend some quality time with her ..

Khushi : Arnav ji this is the way to RM not AR why are you driving towards home ..

He lifted her hand up and kissed it then said ...

Arnav: because if you remember we are newly married couple and usually newly wedded couple spend quality time together after marriage and we dint get to do that so I'm trying to spend time with my biwi (wife) as much as I can ..

Khushi : biwi ? (Wife)

Arnav : ha ....biwi ho tum meri...( yes you are my wife)

Khushi blushed and started looking outside ... he kept her hand fisted in his until they reached RM...

Khushi: you do know I have a lot of pending work left from 5days and now I have more ..

Arnav:I know but that could wait...

She wispered ..

Khushi : laad governer and his quality time .

Arnav : I heard you .... it's ok I'll get you a home office based system so you can work from home on days I decide to distract you and steal you from work..waise bhi I'm jealous of work it gets more attention from you then me ...

ARNAVSI (COMPLETE)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz