Arnavsi 3

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They finally both ate food in the comfort of there own offices and Arnav took his medication indicating it to khushi with his hands as he took it so he knows she is relieved because after this little episode of closeness he dint want anything to happen to him to he wants to live life to fullest and with Khushi... seeing the effect he has on her made him more comfortable. He knows now that khushi is aware how he feels for her . He could be a little open and mischievous also he likes to make her blush....

Khushi let out a big sigh as she saw him taking the medication ..Which of course means she is relieved. Arnav smirked at her as he saw her smiling...

Khushi: (blabbing to herself ) he is soooooo cute ....laad governor ...looks adorable when he smiles but his ASR mode is not acceptable ...i don't like it when he gets all loud and grumpy...either way he is dreamy ...

she said smiling as she raised her head just to face him staring at her with his eyebrows up and smile on his face....

Arnav: Khushi yeh tum kya kah rahi ho . ( Khushi what are you saying )

Khushi nervously hiding her face not to meet his eyes ...

khushi: nothing I was just talking to myself about preparation.

Arnav: preparation but it sounded like you were saying something about me ...

Khushi: nahi toh ( not really)...!!

Arnav : ok I just came to remind you I'm wearing a suit tonight will you match me ...

Khushi: Arnavji I just told you I'll go with you as a PA nothing more or less.. if we stop talking about this it would be nice ..

Arnav: ok fine .. then I won't be coming to my own party .

He said with a small pout on his lips. Very rear side of ASR people do not get to see him act so naive like a child very often but with khushi he felt different...khushi looks at him amazed by his childish behavior...of course which she loves a lot ...but controlled herself from showing how much she is affected by his cute antics and questions him...

Khushi : Arnavji please why are you doing this ?

Arnav: because I only want you to go with me dammit ...why are you not understanding ?

Khushi: WHY ??

She said loudly making him mad but also wants him to say the truth...Arnav trying to Control his anger ...making a fist he moved forward a little to be close to her chair where she is seated.

Arnav: because I told you .. I don't want anyone eyeing what Is mine... and YOU ......

he stopped for a second realized she is looking down Khushi looks up only to see those angry eyes and possessiveness....

Arnav: ...YOU ARE MINE that clear ....

Khushi : WHY? WHY M I YOURS... did I tell you I'm yours .. what if I already have someone in my life .. what if I tell you I'm not ready to commit myself because I'm already committed ....


Khushi: why Arnavji why do you think you own me?....what difference does it make to you? ...WHO M I TO YOU ... Just a mere attraction or a girl you want to take out for date to show off or are you using me as your escort.

Khushi was determine to find out why he is so possessive , she wanted him to confess his true feelings now...the Eagerness she has to see what she feels is what she is hearing .. on the other hand As soon as Arnav heard escort his anger had no limits he pulled khushi into his embrace out of her chair and held her at the nape of her neck pulling her closer ...looking into her tearful eyes ... just few inches away from her face . He looks devilishly into her eye ... he was loud but spoke gritting his teeth together ... he felt like she slapped him on his face by uttering those words on her respect .

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