Kaneki grabbed a few brushes, some paint, pencils, color pencils and walked up to her saying that he wants to buy them. It wasn't only because he wanted to see her up close, but also because she was the only one in the shop and there was no one behind the counter. When she stared down at the utensils in his basket, her eyes moved up to meet his and his breath hitched in his throat. Those were the most beautiful eyes he's ever seen. Long eyelashes, double eyelids, and glimmering dark blue eyes. He knew he just had to get her as his model somehow.

"Alright. Please follow me." She said, walking towards the counter and he followed behind to place the basket onto the counter. He watched as her dainty hands scanned every item and quickly thought about how he's going to ask her.

"The total will be 5000 yen."

He fished for the notes in his wallet and placed it on the money tray. Staring down at her name tag, he thought that even her name was beautiful. "Kirishima-San?"


"I am an artist and I'm currently looking for inspiration for my next art piece. Will you be my model?"

"But I don't have any experience in modeling..."

"You just have to sit on a chair and do the poses I tell you to. It's very easy and I'll pay you. I'll let you think about it and come back again for your response." He passed her his name card and took the plastic bags of items. "I hope to hear a favorable answer."

After he left the shop, Touka put a finger to her chin and pondered. Where have I seen him before? She quickly whipped out her phone and typed in the name displayed on his name card into google. Her eyes widened at the search results of him being a famous artist. She couldn't recognize him at all, with him dressed up so casually in only a T-shirt and long pants, instead of his usual tuxedo. He was different from his usual cheery self on media. He seemed..cold. Besides, it was weird for a famous artist like him to ask a normal girl like her to be his model. Could it be he's having trouble with inspiration? She shook her head and stared at the contact number located below his name.

In the end, Touka decided that having a side job on top of her full-time job is good to give her more money and stood in front of his apartment, the address he gave her after they exchanged some texts. She would be lying if she said she wasn't interested in getting to know him better. Why is he cheerful on television but cold when he's his usual self? Could there be a reason behind that cold demeanor of his?

Pressing on the doorbell, she waited for a few seconds until the door opened to Kaneki Ken, wearing a black long-sleeved buttoned up shirt, tucked into his black long pants. "Thanks for coming. You can enter."

Touka was surprised the moment she stepped into his house. She expected a huge artist like him to stay in a terrace or a bungalow but he was not, and was impressed that he's staying in a small 3 room unit. It was a fairly plain apartment, with every furniture being either black or white. But it was very aesthetically pleasing to the eyes because of the choice in the colors. As expected of an artist.

He led her down the hall and into the last room along the corridor. "This is my studio, where I do my art."

The male opened the door to reveal a room filled with paintings and arts on both sides of the room. In the middle sat a stool behind an easel, a table beside the stool and a chair that is few meters away from the easel.

A/N: Here's how the room looks like.

A/N: Here's how the room looks like

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Kaneki x Touka [Touken] One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now