Poland x Lithuania x Russia-Not Sharing

Start from the beginning

"As if he'd ever go with someone as unfab as you!" A voice interrupts him

We look to see Feliks standing with his hands on his hips and a deathly glare.

"Aww what's the little girly-boy going to do?" Allen laughs

"My skirt doesn't mean I'm weak!" Feliks yells and lunges at Allen who moves away and Feliks falls on the ground

Allen laughs at his failed attempt and Feliks tries to hold back tears. I try to dash over to him but I'm held back.

"Now your friend is taken care of we can go." Allen smirks

"Net, I don't zhink so." A new voice says, Ivan


Feliks stands up and brushes himself off, he always has been one to recover quickly.

"Leave him alone!" Feliks yells

"Fine, fine." Allen sighs "But only because I don't feel like getting in a fight with the commie today."

Allen walks ok whistling and I rush over to Feliks who is wiping the blood off of his knee. Ivan picks up my book and hands it to me.

"Thanks Ivan, are you ok Feliks?" I ask

"I'm fine, I just need a bandaid." He sighs

"I have one." I say reaching into my school bag again and grab out the bandaids I keep just incase I need one

I bend down and place the bandaid over his knee to cover the wound.

"Like, thanks Tol." Feliks says happily and Ivan pulls me up into his arms

"Ve should go da?" He asks


Ivan pulls me along by my hand and Feliks takes my other one. The city isn't to far away from the school so we can walk there quickly. When we arrive Feliks' eyes light up at the sight of all the clothes and accessories.

"Vhat store do you vant to go in?" Ivan asks me

"The pet store." I say quietly

"We can like, see the cute bunnies!" Feliks smiles and happily walks along to the pet store

Poland's P.O.V.
The fact that that Russian bastard is still holding Toris' hand is annoying but there isn't much I can do without looking jealous or something so I have to stay quiet, that asshole is doing this on purpose.

We walk into the pet store and Toris quickly gets distracted by a cute puppy, although Toris is much cuter.

"I'm not sharing him vith you any longer." Ivan says walking behind me

"Well I'm not sharing him with you either." I reply "He'd choose me over you any day."

"But I can protect him vhile you can't." He replies

"I haven't scared him away." I say back angrily

He glares at me and before we can continue out argument Toris walks up to us smiling. He is a little taller than me but shorter than Ivan.

"What are you two talking about?" He asks

"Nothing really, let's go pet the bunnies." I say an pull him over to the bunny enclosures

We're allowed to pick them up so we do. We both have one in our lap and we look up to each other blushing.

"They're so cute." He says

"Yeah, cute." I agree still looking at him

Ivan walks over to us but we don't notice, we're so caught up in our own world.

"Do you love Feliks?" Ivan suddenly asks "Or me."

"I-I'm sorry what?" Toris asks in complete shock

"You heard me, I vant to know." Ivan answers

"W-Well I do like you Ivan, but only as a friend." Toris says blushing

"I see, then that means Feliks won." Ivan replies standing up and walking away a little sadly

"Does this mean you like me?" I ask happily

"Y-Yes I do." Toris answers and moves closer to me

I smile and press my lips to his, being careful not to squish the bunny rabbits.

"I love you." I whisper, happy this day has finally come

"I love you too." He replies "Ever since we first met."

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