Canada x Invisible!Abused!Fem!Child!Reader-I'll Protect You

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(A/n):Requested by Junofrost , hope you like it :)

Canada-Matthew Williams

(Y/n)-Your name

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.
I'm waiting in line at the orphanage I live at's cafeteria for my food. My sides hurt from being kicked by the other kids but they're healing slowly. I've lived here my whole life and it hasn't been easy.

Because I'm so small and quiet I often go unnoticed and people don't remember who I am. When they do they hurt me and beat me up because because I'm so weak. I'm always ignored by the workers except, Ms.Charter who hits me and doesn't let me eat.

I am the last in line and I reach the front, holding out my tray. The lunch lady looks around, glancing over me and then closes up all the benches and food containers.

"Umm excuse me." I say, trying to get her attention but she doesn't hear me

She closes the cafeterias roller door signifying it's closed. This is the third day I haven't been able to eat, I'n starting feel really sick. I sigh and head to an empty table, ripping up my napkin and messing around with it to pass the time.

When dinner is over I head to the tray collect and when I'm almost there one of the older kids run into me. The napkin pieces go everywhere. Everyone turns to look at me and at this point I wish I was completely invisible. They only notice me when I do something wrong.

"(Y/n) walked into me!" The child who bumped me said "And she made a mess."

I pick myself up and try to defend myself but Mrs.Charter walks up to us. She grabs my arm and drags me off to my room to lock me in there. When we arrive she opens the door and throws me in, glaring at me.

"You will stay in here for the night, tomorrow there will be an opportunity to be adopted for all orphans and you will go." She growls "Only so you can understand how unwanted you are."

She slaps me a few times and then leave, locking the doors behind her. Every few weeks they have a day for people to come adopt children, I hate going because they never pick me, it really does make me unwanted.

Why is it that I'm never seen until it's dangerous or I've done something wrong? I just want to get out of this orphanage. I'm still a kid I shouldn't be living like this.

*Time skip to tomorrow*

Canada's P.O.V.
I walk into the large orphanage where they are having a day for people to adopt. I've been wanting to adopt a child for a while as I don't want to live alone anymore and it would be nice to help someone find a loving family.

I walk in the large doors and see lots of children and adults. I try to ask someone for help finding the front desk but they don't hear me, I'm not surprised I'm pretty invisible to other people.

I walk around a little and feel a little uncomfortable, it's like people are buying children. The kids are showing off their good grades, sport skills or other talents. But I haven't found the child who really connects with me.

As I think this I see a small girl in the corner, sitting quietly. We make eye contact and I can see bruising on her face. I walk up to her and she seems a little scared.

"Are you ok?" I ask crouching down to her, hoping she can see me

"You can see me?" She asks shocked

Do people look over her like me?

"Yes I can, I'm surprised you can see me." I reply

"Are you invisible to people?" She smiles

I nod and she smiles slightly.

"I am too." She says

"What's your name?" I ask

"(Y/n)." She replies

"I'm Matthew, are you here for adoption?" I question

"Yeah I am, but Ms.Charter says I won't be adopted ever." (Y/n) says with tears forming in her eyes

"Well that's going to change, I'll adopt you." I say softly

I pick her up because she is so small and walk over to the adoption desk which I finally found and ask for the papers.

"You want to adopt her?" The lady, who I assume is Ms.Charter says shocked

"Yes, please hand me the papers." I say

"Wouldn't you rather adopt a child who is useful or worth something." She snarls

I hear soft sobs from (Y/n) and glare at the teacher.

"I'm fine, and (Y/n) isn't worthless." I say snatching the adoption forms from her and filling them out

The lady continues to stare in shock as we walk out of the building into (Y/n)'s room to grab her things. She packs quickly, it doesn't look like she has much and we begin to walk to my house. When we arrive she stares in shock.

"You live here?" She asks

"Yeah, I'll show you your room." I say bringing her inside

I had my brother help me set up a bedroom and I really hope she likes it. When I open the door her eyes lift up and she smiles.

"It's so pretty." (Y/n) gasps

"It's your room, my room is just down the hall so if you need anything just ask." I say and walk out to let her get used to the room

*Time skip to night*

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.
Despite being adopted I, having nightmares about the orphanage. Mr.Matthew doesn't seem like he'd hurt me but it's a scary thought. I'm sobbing softly in my room, trying to remain quiet.

I hear soft footsteps outside my door and a knock.

"(Y/n)? Are you ok?" I hear Mr.Matthew ask

I don't respond and he walks into my room, coming over to the bed.

"Why are you crying, it's ok." He says and picks me up

"I'm just having nightmares about the orphanage." I reply and he softly kisses my forehead

"Don't worry, you don't have to go back there." He says laying down with me and talking off his glasses

His blond hair is bouncing around and it's relaxing to watch. In the arms of my new dad I quickly fall asleep with no nightmares. With him here it's like it doesn't matter that I was abused or ignored, we can be alone together.

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