Prussia x Reader-Hair Dye

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Prussia-Gilbert Beilschmidt

(Y/n)-Your name

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.
I hear my alarm go off and groan, sitting up and turning it off. My boyfriend Gilbert's arms are wrapped tightly around me and won't let me go. I try to pull away an he pulls me closer.

"Gilbert I need to get up, I have a meeting today." I say

"Noo I have today off, jou should cancel und spend zhe day vith me." Gilbert replies

"I can't, unless something serious happened I have to go no matter what." I sigh "And don't get any ideas."

He grumbles and let's go of me. I smile softly and get up from bed, quickly picking my outfit for the day and heading to the bathroom. I turn on the hot water and undress myself. Of course at this pint I hear the door cream open and I slam it shut, before Gilbert can see anything. I make sure I lock the door twice.

I step into the hot water and feel it wash over me. I grab my shampoo and squirt it onto my hair, rubbing it in and waiting two minutes before washing it out again, that's strange... the bubbles are bright orange. Well it's a new container so maybe it does that after it washes out.

I use the conditioner and brush it through, when I was that out it's bright orange too. I look at my hair and see it's not the same colour, oh god please let it just be the water,

I het out of the shower and dry off my hair, when I stand up and look in the mirror I scream as loud as I can. My hair is bright orange, like fire.

"Gilbert what did you do?!" I scream, wrapping the towel around my body and opening the door

"Wow liebe, jou look amazing." Gilbert says


"I'm going to kill you!" I yell and change after him, holding up the towel

I can't catch up with him so in a huff I go to back to the bathroom and get dressed. I dry off my hair and look at myself in the mirror. I'm shocked that Gilbert actually did this, and why?

"Jou still look hot." Gilbert says leaning against the wall

"Gilbert come here for a second." I say nonchalantly

He listens to me, without realising my plan. As he takes a few steps towards me I raise my hand and slap him on the head and punch him on the chest. Of course being the strong Prussian he is it doesn't have any effect but it still feels satisfying.

"Why the hell did you do this?" I ask "I can't go to work now without embarrassing myself!"

"Zhat's vhy I did it." He smirks

I turn to look in his ruby red eyes and try to figure out what he means by that.

"I don't understand, I get you wanted me to stay in bed longer but why dye my hair? As if that's going to make me want to stay with you-" I say angrily before being cut off with Gilbert's lips

"Jou talk to much (Y/n)." He whispers "Ve haven't had time to ourselves for months, it's either jou or me vorking."

"So you dyed my hair to spend more time with me?" I ask

"Pretty much, I chose a colour zhat looked good on you zhough." He says squeezing my butt

"Gilbert!" I yelp "I'll call work and tell them I'm taking the day off."

I also out of his grasp and grab my phone. After telling work I had to say home due an emergency I walk back into the bathroom to finish drying my hair. After it's dry I head into the kitchen where Gilbert is cooking breakfast.

"I'm still pissed at you." I say sitting down

"I can handle zhat, I love jou." He says placing some breakfast on the table and kissing my temple

"Hey Gilbert, I have an idea." I say, looking at him wiht mischievous eyes "We should dye your hair."

"No vay, my vhite hair is awesome, just like me." He says covering his head

"So the only thing that makes you awesome is your white hair? Doesn't sound very awesome to me." I reply

"Fine, you can dye my hair." He chuckles "But only so I can prove I'm awesome in any way."

He take me to the bathroom where he grabs a bottle of hair dye,

"I bought red und blue, I could have been mean but instead I vas nice." He says opening it

"You dyed my hair bright red, I think you've been mean enough." I reply

I grab the dye from him and make him sit on the floor before squirting the dye onto his head and rubbing it in.

"Jour fingers feel amazing." He says, groaning in pleasure

"Shut up Gilbert, or I'll scratch you." I reply giggling

After about ten minutes the dye is ready and we wash it out. His white hair has absorbed all the colour and is now bright blue.

"Wow Gilbert, you look pretty goos with blue hair." I say shocked

"Of course I do, I'm awesome in every vay." Gilbert replies arrogantly

I full him into a hug and he wraps his arms around me tightly,

"Sorry for dyeing jour hair schatz." He says


"Hmm it's ok, it'll be nice to have a day off with you." I reply

Gilbert picks me up and I wrap my legs around his waist. Together we head to the lounge, ready to have a movie day of rest and relaxation. Gilbert hasn't let me go since we sat down so I'm on his lap.

I'll make sure I get him back for what he did to my hair, no way am I going to let him walk off scot-free considering I'm going to have a lot of work to catch up on tomorrow.

Gilberts kisses me again and soon we're in a full blown make out session. I didn't think he'd be that hot with blue hair but I don't regret dying it. When his white hair grows out he'll have cool blue tips, that will look cool as well. Of course I love him any way.

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