Chapter 1: Yggdrasil

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Chapter 1: Yggdrasil

In a certain room somewhere in [Earth], two figures stood facing each other.

One had a face that made others frown unconsciously, the wrinkles on her face was truly a sight to behold as such that the word ugly isn't enough to describe her.

This person was Witch.

However, the tone of her voice didn't match her face at all. Instead, her voice sounded like bell chimes or even the whispers of an angel! It was simply too mesmerizing!

"What is the meaning of this! You said that Crow won't die!" (Witch)

Naturally, she was speaking to the person in front of her, Lucas II.

"And I always keep my promises." (Lucas II)

"Then why did you let him die now!?" (Witch)

"Die? You think he's dead? He can never die. Not until he kills Lucas. That's how annoying he is." (Lucas II)

"But-" (Witch)

"Shut up. It's clear they didn't tell you everything. You're being suspected, fix it." (Lucas II)

After saying so, Lucas II disappeared into the shadows, leaving Which stupefied.

A few seconds passed, Which finally understood what he meant. She clenched her fists and grind her teeth, a drop of tear appeared on the corner of her eyes.

Finally, she left the room.

+ + +

After finally going back to my house, what greeted me was Vil and Fen...with their stomachs bulging!

What!? Huh!? They-...they're pregnant!!!??? Dammit! Who's the father!? I'm gonna give him a piece of my mind!

Bastard! Show yourself!!!

Hm?...Wait...I can feel that Vil and Fen's feelings haven't changed with my [Bonds of Connection] but...'s that huh?...They've grown fat...

"Welcome back Master~" (Vil)

"Master!" (Fen)

Vil and Fen approached me while holding a bag of potato chips...These lazy bums! What? Don't tell me they did nothing while I was gone!?

"Hehe, Master~ I miss your cooking~" (Vil)

"Xene sis cooks better though~" (Fen)

......They're still thinking about food!?

"Ara, these are...the rabbit and snake from before? Wait, before that, where am I? Why did a door suddenly appear in midair? What's this do?" (Mei)

Mei, it's good that you actually recognize these two idiots but please don't ask me a lot of question all in one go!

Mei lifted a silver rectangle shaped...thing...wait, what is that?

There's a glowing power button symbol on the surface so I pressed it. Instantly, blueish streams of light appeared above it, creating a rectangular frame and inside, various colored videos appeared...huh?


I...this is...[Earth]...right?

Vil and Fen are here, so this is definitely [Earth]...then why!? Why is there a futuristic holographic TV!?

Ah, right. 6000 years had wait, only 5 years had passed here! Can technology really advance this fast!?

Unless...they...used [Zoulang's] time?

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