Chapter 9: Gone?

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Chapter 9: Gone?

4:00 pm, I had to be in GeoScope TV advertisement...nothing much really happened...they just made me say a few lines which I completely didn't understand.

It's now 5:00 pm and for an hour, the Gatekeepers would have a what should've happened.

It seems that something has grabbed the attention of the higher ups and every world leaders are now at the same place.

Instead of a meeting, this is more like an assembly.

Will this really be over in an hour? Just as I thought of that, I found out that Shella is also here with his father.

Come to think of it, the place where we are all at is part of the Maize Industries. Maybe the ballroom is also here? Something like an after party of what will happen right now.

To understand more, we are currently inside of the Maize Industries' main building. All of us are facing the window, looking outside where something large is covered with a huge cloth.

Hmm, it should be something the Maize Industries will be presenting but...just what is it that caused every world leader to gather?

Those present aren't just people from this world, it includes people from other worlds. The supreme Highgods of [Zoulang] are also present and a few Sovereigns that were once Highgods that I knew of like Misty and my uncle David.

The kings and queens of other worlds are also here.

Eu, Aeran, and Freya also seem to be here but as they are talking to some important looking people, I didn't go bother them.

Curious, I sent out my divine sense to inspect what this huge thing is. This won't be a huge robot right?

Spreading my divine sense, I found out that it's indeed not a robot. What's covered by the cloth is a sphere made of two circular tubes, intersecting at the middle of two sides which would form a '+' when viewed from the front and a 'ϴ' when viewed from the side.

I also found out that inside, there are four particles. Two of which are mana and qi while the other two are...

"Everyone! I'm sure you all know what we'll be presenting so I'll just cut to the chase. Presenting to you, the Maize Particle Accelerator!" (Bryan)

Shella's father, Bryan Maize, speaking from a stage, laughed and waved his arm to signal his men to drop the cloth covering the sphere, no, the particle accelerator!

So this really is...

But for it to be shaped like this...moreover, to have mana and qi.

"As everyone knows, there are two main energies that are currently discovered when other worlds are discovered. Mana, and Qi. So we had a thought that our technology should also advance if we apply both of these energies in our current technologies right? From everyday items and gadgets to weapons of war, we have all spent years to research the combinations! But we've only scratched the surface! With this new type of particle accelerator, we will unlock the door to a new future. A new generation. And a new era!" (Bryan)

Bryan gave speeches that aroused everyone to the peak of excitement. But for me, I'm only thinking if this won't blow up...I think I read in a comic book somewhere before that this thing blows up which resulted to people gaining powers and also casualties...

It won't happen here...right?


...It wouldn't hurt to be careful...I'll just maintain my divine sense on it and observe it carefully to make sure it won't explode...

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