Chapter 3: Revenge

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Chapter 3: Revenge

"...Looks like the hole was really filled in..."

Lucas sighed as he looked up on his resurrection point. Where a hole displaying the sky should be, there were rocks that stuck together leaving no trace of light pass through.

He had just logged in after finishing his breakfast and he was already in despair.

"Haah...Let's just find a lone bat for now, dealing with a flock is a death flag..."

Lucas sighed once more and walked out in hope to find a lone bat. Learning his lesson from last time, he didn't want to face a flock of [Dracula Bats] any time soon.

After walking for some time, he finally found one and attacked it with the same attack as he did yesterday or rather, 3 days before as the time in game is 3 times faster. He also tried his new skill [Bash] to level its proficiency.

Once weakened enough where the bat can only crawl in the ground, Lucas showed no mercy as he stomped it to death.

"Damn! You! Stupid! Irritating! Flying! Bats! How! Dare! You! Gang! Up! On! Meeeeeee!"

Like a child, Lucas kept stomping heavily while insulting the bat as he releases his frustration.


The bat seemed to shout 'It wasn't meeee!!!' as it cries out. Soon enough, the bat disappeared and dropped some items.

Lucas repeated this action every time he found a lone bat until a familiar window appeared in front of him.


You have learned a new skill, (Active) [Stomp] Beginner LVL 1 (0.00%)!

Due to constantly stomping on opponents, your stomp strength has further increased!

Deals 12% more damage.

Low chance of staggering the enemy when used.

MP Cost: 4 points


According to the information he saw yesterday, it seems there are five ways to learn a skill:

1. Levelling up. Like the [Bash] he learned before, it is a skill acquired when a certain level is met.

2. Quests. It seems there are quests that give out skills after the quest is completed.

3. Items. Things like skill tomes or scrolls are an example for this.

4. Constantly doing an action. Like [Stomp] skills can be acquired if you constantly repeat it.

5. Skill Tree. It is different from levelling up, you acquire [Skill Points] when you level up your skills and spend it on skills found in your job's skill tree.

Since Lucas is stuck in this God-knows-where cave, he is unable to get any quests and since he is still a [Novice], he can't even open a skill tree even if he has a lot of skill points.

He can only hope to find a rare item in this cave or level up in order to get a new skill.

"Let's see how we've progressed so far, [Status Window]."

Name Lucas Level 29

Gender Male Money 1 G 20 S 50 C

Job Novice Race Human

Health 3165 Mana 2675

STR 65 INT 45

SPD 55 DEX 45

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