Chapter 6: Even Stronger

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Chapter 6: Even Stronger

[Drachedge Central Plaza]

In the spacious plaza, a fountain is installed at the middle. Surrounding it were tens of stands with banners and people shouting for recruitment.

Before the [Style Convention], there wasn't much merchants selling in this place even though it's a good spot for doing business.

This is because they know that the [Style Convention] happens regularly and they all take place here in the central plaza.

So if they set up shop here, then when the [Style Convention] happens, they wouldn't be able to open shop for a month which is a loss.

Like that, most of them would choose a different plaza or place a stand at the outskirts of the plaza.

I looked around the plaza to search for a suitable style for me and so did Freya.

There were a lot of [Style Schools] present.

There's [Dragon Style], [Wolf Style], [Fiery God Style], [Rat Style], [Freezing Maiden Style], [Furious God Style] and plenty more.

I visited each and every one of them in order to hear the basic information on how they work as well as watched every demonstration they can show.

After 3 hours, I have yet to find a suitable one for me.

At best, I would probably choose the [Furious God Style] as I may be able to learn how to control [Dragon's Wrath] there since they say that their school teaches you how to channel your anger into a weapon or something.

However, it still doesn't feel right.

I can feel that there's a style that suits me better. I don't know what this feeling is, but most of the time, my feeling is right than my mental judgment.

Freya had taken a liking to the [Freezing Maiden Style] which is a good one.

When I saw their demonstration, the sword that the demonstrator used felt like a cold chill of ice.

Her movements appear slow but just by looking at it, it makes you stare and freeze on the spot.

It basically awes the opponent using grace and flow of movement in order to momentarily 'freeze' them in place.

I would also like to practice that, but they only accept females...

Freya had long since separated from me as she wanted to learn more about her style. She seemed really firm in her decision.

Oh well, while thinking that, I looked around once again.

I sighed as I have yet to find a good style...maybe I should just go with [Furious God Style]

Just before I was about to turn around, I noticed a stand between an alleyway.

I don't know why, but there is some sort of force that seemed to want me to come close to it...

Still unable to figure out why I walked near it, in a few seconds, I was already standing before the stand.

The stand itself looked rundown as if it was made very hastily. On the top was a sign saying [Slime Style].


Looking confused at the sign, I decided to ask the person managing the stand.

Currently, the man had a hat on his face and appeared to be sleeping. I guess there wasn't anyone who came here huh?

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