Chapter 8: ...Vil?

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Chapter 8: ...Vil?

"Non non non~ You aren't matching your steps with your pulse and your pulse isn't matching your breaths. Again~" (Pierre)

"Ugh..." (Lucas)

"Oops, your voice isn't in order~" (Pierre)

"U-uuu..." (Lucas)

"Now how on god's good name did your center of gravity get there? Again~" (Pierre)

"Y-yes..." (Lucas)

In a certain forest in a certain mountain, I am currently doing a very meticulous training with a clown teacher...while wearing a clown's outfit...

...I wanna die...

Right. Dying sounds easier. Let's just die, haha hahaha HAHAHAHAHAHa...huh?

Like being awoken from a dream, I snapped out of whatever I was thinking just now...what was I thinking again?

This doesn't feel good...I feel like something important is missing in me...

However, in the end, I can't seem to remember it so I sighed and shook my head helplessly.

"Come on, come on. Move your feet soldier~" (Pierre)

"Y-yes!" (Lucas)

Being recalled back by Pierre, I continued my annoying training...

+ + +

"This kid is amazing. To be able to reach 'that' stage this early in training...fufufu, looks like I chose the right guy!" (Pierre)

As Pierre kept on instructing Lucas, he was laughing in his mind as he was amazed by Lucas' progress!

"However, he didn't last a minute so he's just at the tip of the iceberg at the moment. Alas, I hope that he won't end up like my last student..." (Pierre)

Pierre sighed inwardly as he thought about his student before Lucas.

Like Lucas, the previous student was eager to be stronger, however, in the last stage, he failed.

And because of that, something irreversible happened.

And Pierre wasn't able to stop what he had become.

"My little Jester...I hope you won't end up like little Clown..." (Pierre)

+ + +

Fuh...finally done for the day...

I exhaled deeply as I went straight to my tent.

Pierre and I have been living in this mountain ever since the start. Though I live in a tent in the middle of the forest, Pierre had been living in a cave.

A nice warm cave...

And I get to sleep in a noisy, scratchy, and full of wild life tent...

I sighed again for the nth time and lied down on my makeshift bed.

So tired...sleep...

I let myself drift into dream land due to exhaustion.

After a few minutes, I was forced to wake up by something jumping on top of me.

Opening my eyes, I saw Vil somewhat excited about something and inched her way towards my face.'s just Vil...

Thinking that, I went back to sleep when suddenly, something soft touched my lips.

At first, it was a furry soft kind of feeling, however, it suddenly changed into a wet soft feeling accompanied with heavy breaths and something heavy seemed to have gotten on top of me.

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