Chapter 2: Deity Lands

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Chapter 2: Deity Lands

The next day, figures after another appeared all of the sudden in the central courtryard which shocked the other disciples currently loitering about.

"Alright, let's go get Lucas and be done with it." (Bram)

One of the figures is Bram, currently, he looked to be 3-4 years older than when he originally set foot in this world.

His body has grown firmer and muscles well-tuned as if he was carved by a knife.

In his eyes, you can see that he has grown more mature as well. Still a bit aloof, but the feeling he gives now shows that he is always on guard and ready to strike.

"Why bother? He should've already sensed we had arrived so we don't need to go to him." (Momo)

To his side, Momo commented with a childish smile.

Like Bram, Momo had also matured in appearance and personality. Her hair had grown long so she had tied it on her back with hair ornaments from this world, making her look like a Japanese beauty dressed in a Chinese theme.

Though her figure made her look like a mature beauty, her childishness could still be seen in her eyes and smile which strangely matched together.

"'re...Bram and Momo! Two of the mysterious geniuses that appeared 15 years ago!"

"I heard about them. Apparently, both of them were victims of a mysterious expert who erased their memories and cultivation!"

"Yeah, like Grand Elder Lucas, they're both heaven defying geniuses!"

"H-hey! They're not the only ones! Look at the others! They're also part of the mysterious geniuses' generation!"

Seeing the figures that suddenly appeared in their school, the disciples actually recognized them!

It is true that they did stir the world like Lucas did, and because of their alibi upon coming to this world and they're talents, they were put into a single group being the mysterious geniuses that were victimized by a mysterious expert.

Everyone worshiped them for their amazing stories surrounding them.

They were found unconcious in the middle of the road, was picked up by a passing merchant, enrolled to a practitioner school, and made their way to the top!

Just this alone wouldn't be surprising, but if they happen to 4 or 5 other people, then that's another story!

What people like the most is gossips and concpiracy.

Everytime the topic is brought up in a conversation, it would be slightly diffenrent from the original scenario, creating various rumors, stories, and conclusions which always lead to a heated topic among the common people.

"Hey guys. You sure are impatient for immortals." (Lucas)

At the side, Lucas appeared with four people behind him, while a horned rabbit sat on top of his head and a small pink snake coiled around his arm like a bangle.

The four people behind him are none other than Elwin, Aqua, the Principal, and the Vice-Principal.

"Nice hair." (Momo)

Momo laughed as she saw Lucas' appearance.

Compared to his short hair 15 years ago, Lucas now has a long hair that fall a few centimeters below his shoulders which he had to tie on his back with a string.

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