Chapter 10: Sense of Accomplishment

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Chapter 10: Sense of Accomplishment

Let's start over again.

A certain player had just finished the character creation and appeared in the square plaza of [Drachedge], the starting town of [Etrano] the Southern Kingdom.

The player had short black hair and a physique which suggest a fragile woman making every male player around stare in beauty. However, the sad truth isn't so nice.

The player's name is [Geeves], and he's a boy.

To those that knew him, they can only look at the other male players in pity, to those that doesn't, they can only see a beautiful woman.

"...Somehow, I'm getting a lot of stares...are they sizing me out?"

Normally, he is a new player, that's why he thought that the stares around him means that they are checking whether Geeves was someone worth to party or not.

Well, he was obviously wrong but soon enough, one person did ask him.

He noticed a silver wolf werebeast make his way towards him.

"Hey there, do you want to form a party with me? Since we both just started playing, I think it will be helpful to help each other out."

"Hmm...well, first of all, connections are important. He might turn useful later on."

Geeves thought calmly as he size up the werebeast.

"Well...alright then. The name's Geeves"

The werebeast revealed a complex facial expression, though it seemed that he tried not to let it show.

"My name's Rice. It's nice to meet you Geeves."

"Rice!? As in Kanin?....wait...."

At first, Geeves was weirded out by his name. After all, someone naming themselves as rice seemed rather stupid but then suddenly remembered someone having the same name.

Kanin Fried, a classmate of his in college as well as a close friend.

He quickly asked if he was right and it turns out that he is!

Geeves then introduced himself as Gavin Fastmark to the bewildered Rice.

After chatting for a while, the two of them partied up and decided to look around first.

Though, because of Geeves' getting bored already and wanted to hunt monsters, they decided to stop and head for the east gate to hunt.

For some reason, Geeves felt like talking to the guard stationed at the east gate.

Geeves has a rather talkative nature and kept talking to someone he didn't know even in the real world.

To this, most of his friends would be surprised when they found him already befriending someone completely stranger the moment they looked away from him.

Though, even Geeves was surprised that he activated a quest just by talking to the guard.

"There is a village nearby outside the wall that is being troubled by monsters. Though the monsters may be weak and the guards can usually take care of it, it is still best to help them as you hunt."

Do you want to accept the quest?



It was too sudden that he accepted it immediately due to his excitement.

"Oh no, maybe I should've discussed it with Rice first?"

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