Chapter 9: Goodbye...

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Chapter 9: Goodbye...

Immediately after Brandon appeared, he placed his arm forwards as if saying he's going to stop this extremely powerful attack with just one hand.

However, the lightning attack was simply too fast! There wasn't even a millisecond of time where I can warn him.

The lightning crow touch his hand, suddenly, the lightning dissipated as if it never happened!

*Crack* *Shatter*

A ring on Brandon's hand cracked and shattered, turning into dust immediately.

............Eh?...What?...What just happened!?

"Tch- there goes my [Fatality Ring]..." (Brandon)

"...To think you'd have something like that, it seems you've changed after your trip to hell, Brandon. If I remember correctly, that ring allows the user to survive a fatal attack once. Hehe, I wonder where you got that?" (Crow)

Survive a fatal attack once! To think there was equipment like's practically a 2nd life!

Brandon snorted and glared at Crow.

"Bastard, you, you set me up! Feeding me with those cheesy lines of becoming something great, then leading me into wreaking havoc! You used me so you can see how the world will respond to us [World Key Holders]!" (Brandon)

"Isn't it fine? You got a [World Key], became famous, and look, you're alive and well." (Crow)

What? Then that means...the [Death Eaters] had existed before I got my [World Key]!? Just what kind of organization are these guys for them to casually give out [World Keys]!?

"And also got killed! You don't know what it's like down there! Now, I'll make sure you do!" (Brandon)

"Hehe, you want to kill me? I'm afraid that's impossible. After all, I am a [World Key Holder]." (Crow)

Crow lifted his [World Key] that was hung on his neck.

"Didn't you know? The [Rules] only apply to those who equips the [World Key]. Meaning, those I kill will be sent to the special hospital or prison and if I'm killed, the [World Key] drops and I'm sent to the special prison. But to those who doesn't equip it..." (Crow)

He looked straight to my eyes with a chilling and amused look.

"The people they kill are simply dead. And if they are killed, they will also stay dead." (Crow)


"Tell me Lucas. Why didn't you equip your [World Key]? Could it be? The so called [Hero] do not give the people he kills a second chance? Or is simply wish to see them dead? To see their mangled corpse lying on the ground. Gushing with deep red blood! Dead eyes that stare you with lifelessness! WITH NO CHANCE TO BE A WHOLE BODY EVEN UPON DEATH!?" (Crow)

The deeper and louder his voice got, the more it seems to stab me in the heart.

...What he true...I know...I know what not equipping the [World Key] means...yet I didn't mind it. Because I thought that they deserve death...

I didn't know...that people can come back from the special prison...

I didn't know...that I could've given them a second chance...

I thought that being sent to the special prison is equal to death...


"LUCAS!" (El)

I...Am I really doing the right thing?

El's voice resounded in my mind but my mind was simply too scattered to understand her.

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