Chapter 8: Beast! Skill! Auction!

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Chapter 8: Beast! Skill! Auction!

Night time. I got back to my room and started to cultivate.

I'm already at the 9th level of the [Human Realm] so it's finally time to form the [Egg].

Not wasting any moment, I took out the 5 Qi Condensation Pills and looked at it briefly before swallowing everything.

One pill makes me absorb twice as much qi. Two makes it 4 times, then 5 pills will make me absorb 10 times the rate!

In my lower dantian, fierce purple qi flooded it like a storm!


Under my influence, the fierce storm qi converged and turned into a huge [Egg] about as big as my hand!

The purple [Egg] shone with a golden luster, as the qi storm kept pouring towards it, cracks appeared on the surface of the [Egg] as it was unable to hold the qi inside!


Not long after, the [Egg] shattered and a pillar of purple light rose to my middle dantian.

[Beast Realm - Hatchling Stage: 1st level]!

"Oho! Let's see what your [Beast] will look like!" (El)

At El's excited tone, we watched as the purple light turned into an orb, then multiple tentacles emerged from the top. Four protrusions formed at the bottom, a long tail like strand appeared at the back.

After a few seconds, the light finally dimmed down and we were able to see the [Beast].

A hydra! It's a hydra with 9 heads!

"T-this is...the Primordial Element Hydra!? But why are there 9 heads!!!???" (El)

"Eh? So it wasn't supposed to have 9 heads?" (Lucas)

"No! From what I know, this is an ancient hydra that is very few in numbers! 6 heads portray the element! Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Light, and Dark! Then the 7th head is the Alpha head that is the main head! Why are there 2 more heads!?" (El)

Like El said, the heads are differently colored.

The red head had deep red horns that are curved upwards, with fiery red eyes and a flaming long hair that reached to the back of its body. The scales had a tint of red as if it's hardened lava. When it breaths, a tongue of fire would occasionally show.

The blue head had an ocean blue horns curving downwards, its eyes were like a calm lake that has no ripples. Its hair was deep blue in color and had a wet like appearance, also reaching to its back. The scales are like that of a water eel, smooth and slippery which was colored blue.

The brown head had piercing brown eyes and had horns like that of a bull, its hair was a short brown one, giving off an astute kind of feeling like that of a military soldier. The scales it had are like rocks joined together, forming an armor of earth.

The green head had short dark green horns that extended outwards, its eyes were like that of a free kid, doing whatever it wants without a care in the world. Its hair is colored light green and flowed freely in the wind. Its scales were like that of a snake's, colored green and seemed to glow faintly.

The white head had a yellow horn that curved like a circle, creating a halo like appearance above its head. Its eyes were golden and kind, giving off an aura like that of a guardian angel. It had a golden blonde long hair that flowed downwards. Its scales were colored white with a hint of gold as well.

The black head had jet black horns that curved forwards, its eyes were as black as the night, seemingly evil and domineering. It had jet black hair that fluttered like shadows. The scales it had were also jet black in color, without a hint of anything else. As if it was a head made of shadow itself.

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