Chapter 1: Trouble in the Mall!

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Chapter 1: Trouble in the Mall!

"Lucas, Lucas! What's that popping thing!?" (Aeran)

"Hm? Ah, popcorn? Wait a bit, I'll go grab some." (Lucas)

Taking this chance to finally separate from the girls, I volunteered to go buy the popcorns.

For a while now, these four girls have been clinging to me while we walked from my condo to the mall.

As I am in my [Harus] form, Eu does not get hurt while touching me.

Hence, Eu is holding my right arm, Aeran holding my left arm, Freya holding the hem of my shirt on the right side, and Lily holding the left side...

...Why is this happening to me???

Because of this, jeers and jealous stares were thrown in my way all throughout the way.

Thankfully, the three otherworlders kept asking questions on almost everything so I wasn't able to pay much attention to those painful stares.

Not to mention, the way their eyes sparkle on high rise buildings, cars, and stuff was too cute.

But alas, even when I'm buying the popcorn, they still haven't let go of me...

Maybe they're insecure since this is another world or something? And clung to me since they know me better?

But then why is Lily doing the same?

Is it that? She doesn't want to be left out? Rather, she doesn't really know anyone as much as me in this group right?

Hmmhm, since I'm an understanding person, I'll let them do as they please...also, they smell pretty nice...

Ack-!? I'm acting like a pervert! This must be the effect of that damn title!...wait, I'm not in my [Earth] form so that shouldn't affect So am I really like this?

I shook my head at the thought and simply bought popcorn and drinks for everyone else. Yey for wasting money~...

Ugh, even though I have such a large amount of money now, I should really reconsider on carefully using them...

The clerks managing the snack corner in the cinemas stared at the four girls surrounding me dumbfounded while handing me the popcorns.

" it just me or does that girl with the hat seem familiar?"

"Yeah...that guy with them too...hmm, where have I seen them?"

D-dangerous! Our cover was almost blown!

Quickly leaving and going directly to the entrance of the cinema, we got inside without waiting for the line.

"Huh? What the? Did those guys just enter?"

"Hey! What's the meaning of this!? We've been waiting for a while now!"

"...Maybe they're VIPs?"

"Come to think of it...the guy with the harem seems oddly familiar..."

"Che- guards might've let them in because those girls were too beautiful...hey, let's sit beside them!"

I hear disturbing conversations behind but we all ignored them since it's troublesome.

We sat at the center with Eu and Aeran beside me, Freya beside Eu, and Lily beside Aeran...even here, do they really have to surround me???

I see the others also taking a sit. My Mom sitting beside Freya with Len and Rose on the other side while Gavin sat next to Lily with Kanin and the rest on the other side.

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